Chapter 31: The Sun Is Rising

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All four of them stood there, gaping at me. Nobody said a word, they just stared at the bag of Sand in my hand.

Cecy was the first to regain control. She strode purposefully over to me, carefully took the bag from my grasp, and then hit me in the face with it.

I stumbled back, taken completely by surprise. "WHAT WAS THAT FOR?!?" I shouted, blinking black spots out of my eyes. Sand was heavy, and it wasn't very desirable to have a whole bunch smacked into your face.


"I'm sorry, but if you hadn't noticed, half of you were unconscious, and could have been dying, until literally three seconds ago," I said. "Next time, I'll make it my first priority to tell you important news, by which time, you'll probably be dead." I looked at her, eyebrows raised. Cecy sighed and turned away, which wasn't exactly admitting I was right for once, but coming from Cecy, it was pretty good. She opened the bag and looked into it. The Sand emitted a soft, silver glow on her face as she put her fingers into it, as if she couldn't believe it was real.

"You got it," she whispered softly. "You got it."

"We got it," I corrected. She looked over at me and smiled slightly. Noah, Shea and James took it in turns to pass around the bag, and for one, brief, glorious moment, we marveled in the fact that we had actually got the Silver Sand.

It was almost dawn; the early rays of orange sunlight were visible on the horizon, and it was only now that I realized just how much time we'd spent down in the depths of the earth. We were all tired, and aching, but we were alive. We were alive, with means of saving the others. The Itinere was over, we had done it. It seemed ages ago that Noah, Cecy and I had been sitting in that Tim Horton's, planning out the best way to go about finding the Silver Sand. And here we all were now, standing with each other, with the Silver Sand in our hands.

The light of the early morning was ever so slowly getting brighter, shining through the glass windows of the CN Tower, slowly starting to light up the day that was unfolding around us.

One by one, our attention strayed to the slowly rising sun, and we gradually turned towards the soft glow that was unhurriedly illuminating the CN Tower, the rest of the city of Toronto, and beyond. It felt good, just to stand in the weak, but ever strengthening rays of light, and to just, for once, breathe in relief. We did it; somehow, some way, we did it.

We stood in comfortable silence, side by side, just gazing at the promise of the rising sun, gazing at the promise of a new day, gazing at the promise of a better day.

Hi! Thanks for reading this chapter, and I'm sorry it was so short... something I learned about myself is that I have terrible time management skills, and I get distracted really easily... so that means short chapter! But there will be more to come. Don't forget to leave a comment, and give it a vote!


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