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"Okay. What do you want? And make it quick. I need to go back to work." I said while sitting across from Landon.

"Okay. Oh and thank you for the food. Anyway... When you were at the." He leaned closer and whispered. "At the shoot out."

I nodded my head and looked back to see if my boss was looking.

"Well... Now you're on radar." He said while eating a fry.

"Wait. What?"

"You're on radar."

My heart was pounding against my chest and I bet he can hear it too. My eyes grew big while my hands clamped up.

"What...what do you mean... I'm on radar?"

"Well. You're a witness at a gang shootout and everyone there was supposed to be dead . But look. You're not. So now you are being tracked by the other gang who was supposed to protect their club."


"Shhhh. You know how I told you to go home." I nodded. "Well my gang was ambushing that club and one of the guy saw you talking to me and Jaxon here. So now they think you are spy or something. And they want you dead."

"W-what do I do?" I said while looking around crazy.

I'm going to die.

"Well for now on you have to live in the gang house till we get rid of these guys." I snapped my head back and see him looking at me intensely.



"Yes no. I'm not going to live with some gang and get into more deep shit then just rather die and get it over with."

"You want to die?"

"If they find me. Yes."

"Okayyyy. Well you're still coming."

"No. I'm.not."

"To late. I grabbed your stuff from your apartment. Oh and nice thongs." He said while winking.

"You looked through my clothes!"

"Yeah. I had to get your clothes. Or unless you want to say in those clothes for awhile."

I got up and slapped him.

"Oh and I will live with you guys when hell freezes over." I said while getting up and walking away.

He grabbed my elbow and made me turn his way.

"We'll see about that baby cakes." He said while smirking then letting me go and going back to his burger.


"...and then he pushed me on the desk James! The FÛCKIN DESK!" I said while washing the dishes. And telling James about my professor.

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