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My head hung low and my body ache from not moving. I honestly don't know how long I been here. I don't even know what time it is. I honestly don't even know the day. Louis hasn't came back, it seem like days since he hasn't came back. I tried to move my arms, but I hiss in pain when I do so, because so far I can see bruises on my wrist from this dim light. My jeans rose up and now my skin is touching the rough rope.

So I gave up.

I wish I can do something. Anything. I really do. But with all this pain my body can't handle. I'm dehydrated. I'm starving. I just hope Grayson finds me. I don't even care if Jaxon comes or Landon, I just want to leave this hell hole.

The door slammed open but I didn't raise my head. Why even bother?

I heard shoes clacking on the cool floor. Coming closer but still didn't make a move. "So this is Jordan. Jaxons golden girl. His new toy." My head shot up from the last part from the deep accent voice. As soon my eyes adjusted to the dim light I was meet with light blue eyes. Not like Jaxons. Oh no. These were almost grey color. The man had stubble and messy dark down hair. He wore a black leather jacket with a white t-shirt that was showing off all his muscles. He was smirking at me and looking me up and down. He was attractive, I would admit, but the way his eyes were roaming around my body I just wanted to hide in a corner. He walked around me and made no sound but only his shoes made the only noise. He was now behind me and I was looking around as much as I could, but couldn't look behind me.

"Tenes un sexy cuerpo." He said while touching my shoulders from behind and his voice turing husky. I tried to move away from him but he gripped my shoulders and pulled me back till my back was straight and touching the back of the chair. He made a 'tsking' noise and came around the front. "I didn't think Jaxon would let you out of his sight, but I guess it's my lucky day." He said smirking. His smirk was to die for but right now I wish I can't slap him, punch, anything just to get away from him.

I swung my head forward but he moved just in time before my head connected with his.
"Got some fight in you huh?"

"Go to hell!" I spat while thrashing around just to get away.

"I'm already am." He pulled out his phone and dialed a number and kneed in front of me. He hold up a finger telling me to hold on but I tried to kick him. He placed his hand my thigh, and I tried to shake it off like I did with Louis but he tighten it just like him.

"Nice for you to pick up." He said with his voice in full amusement. I can barely make out what the other person was saying but you can tell they were yelling like crazy.

"Oh. Yeah...she's fine. Well she be better when I have her. If you know what I mean." He said while his eyes never left mine.

"Fûck you!" I spat.

He winked at me and smiled." Yeah she's with me. Nice body too. Nice curves and everything. Didn't think she would look this good." He said looking me up again while licking his lips. I trashed around again but his hand went up my thigh and I admittedly stopped.


"She has some fight. Oh. You want to talk to her." He said while making eye contact again and this time he raised an eyebrow. I glared at him and he tilt his head. I guess he was asking me if I wanted to talk to the person on the phone so I relaxed and waited. He smiled then place the phone on speaker.


"Jaxon?" I whispered.

"I WO- Jordan?"



"please Jaxon...blah.blah.blah. Stop cry like a bîtch." 'Sañtiago' said. I guess that's his name. I didn't know I was crying till I was hiccuping. "I said STOP." He said while backhanding me.

He took the phone off speaker and placed the phone back to his ear. He was saying stuff in Spanish but I didn't understand what he was saying because he was just spitting words like fire. My head hung low. My cheek hurts. I'm hungry. I'm thirsty. I don't even know if Jaxon would come. I honestly don't know why I cried out to him. He practically kidnap me. He dropped me out of college. He got me fired from my work. I don't even live in my apartment anymore, but yet I still yelled for him to help me. I guess I desperate for help.

Sañtiago ended the call and looked at me. "Aww don't cry baby girl." He said while placing his hand on my cheek and whipping the tears that fell. I winced and pulled back. His hand went to the back of my neck and pulled me back. Now he squatted in front of me and leaned forward. "We're going have some fun." He whispered in my ear."Wonder if that body of yours is going to handle it. Mhmmm. Let's see."

"NOOO!! PLEASE!!!! DONT PLEASE!" I said thrashing around and full on crying.

He gripped my head with both of his hands and made me look at him. He stood up and made me look up. My eyes blurred from the tears. I was hiccuping. My whole body shaking with the sobs.

"Shhh.shhh. Don't worry. We won't do it right now...but later." He said winking and smiling like a madman. I closed my eyes tight and whispered while sobbing.

"Please hurry Jaxon."


I'm actually cringing at my Spanish typings.

Ima stop.


Ps. This is Sañtiago.

Book IG: friesbeforeguy101

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Book IG: friesbeforeguy101

Anyway see you guys soon!!

Anyway see you guys soon!!SS

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