So Prince Charming Doesn't Exist; But Maybe The Phantom Of The Opera Does... Part 12

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Ha I really like this chapter! Funny stuff...

Chapter 12

Finally, finally it was Monday. I couldn't believe I was actually excited about my first day at my new school , but it meant not being by myself. I Shivered as I stepped into the shower without waiting for the water to heat up. Peyton had either never come home last night or she'd left again very early this morning. I was starting to get worried about her. The last time I could remember her being like this was when she was 16 and Connor broke up with her. But somehow this didn't feel the same. I just couldn't see Brandon breaking up with her; they were so in love it was sickening sometimes. But then again, I'd been wrong about stuff like this before. I stepped out of the shower and towel dried my hair. I was pulling on a pair of shorts and a long sleeve tee when I heard the front door open.

"Darlings?" I heard my mother's high-pitched voice and it had never been so welcome.

"Mom? Dad?" I called out hopping down the stairs so fast that I was afraid I would miss one and go tumbling.

"We're here sweetheart," she said as I reached the bottom of the stairs and looked into the smiling faces of Mom, Dad, and Devon. After I had hugged them all I stepped back and smiled.

"I really missed y'all," I said.

"Well, we've been gone before," my dad said with a puzzled look.

"Yeah, well I've never been home all by myself," I said without thinking. They immediately all paused and looked at me.

"Where was Peyton?" Devon asked suspiciously. I shifted from foot to foot nervously.

"Out," I answered honestly. "I mean she came home and we hung out in the evenings though," I said fibbing a little to keep her out of hot water. I didn't know what was going on with her right now, but I did know she didn't want to talk about it.

"And where is she now?" Mom asked unconvinced.

"Um, she had to leave for an early rehearsal," I said before quickly changing the subject. "Mom, where's my new uniform for school?" I asked knowing she would already have all that taken care of.

"Honey, didn't I tell you? There is no dress code at this school. It's a little less strict than BSA," she said currently distracted by the messy kitchen and living room. "Honestly, I just don't know how hard it is for you girls to clean up after yourselves. I'm going to have to call Rosita in early," she said slightly exasperated. I just smiled.

"Sorry mom!" I yelled out before racing back upstairs. I felt free. No dress code. I'd had a dress code since kindergarten. This is going to be great.


20 minutes later I hopped down the stairs in faded skinny jeans, a kelly green v-neck shirt, and my blue Vera Bradley in Calypso, my hair quickly straightened. My mother gasped. I thought she was going to have a heart attack about my outfit but that wasn't what she was gasping about.

"Your Vera Bradley doesn't match anymore," she said like it was the worst crime possible.

"Yeah, oh well," I said flippantly and made a beeline for the door in hopes that I could escape.

"Not so fast Elisabeth! If you think that you are going anywhere with that atrociously matched outfit, you are sorely mistaken. And you have to wait a few minutes longer; Hayden isn't here to pick you up yet," she said. Now I was really ticked.

"Ok mom, it's only blue and green togetherr. It's not that big of a deal. If I don't care, why should you? And I am not ridding anywhere with Hayden Clark, who is the definition of atrocious!" I said angrily.

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