My crazy dreams

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Even from a young age I've always had weird crazy dreams they always seem to get stranger and stranger...

So I thought I'd share them with you :)

One dream I had was I couldn't really see the bottom of a cliff and so quite stupidly I fell from it and for a while there was just me falling but it felt so real that I woke up feeling like I actually dropped it was kinda weird.

Another dream I had was when I was little like about five.

My mum use to read me dr. Seuss books before I went to bed each night and I had a dream that I was IN a doctor Seuss book and for a five year old thats a big deal the first thing I did the next morning was I went up to my mum and I said "mum mum! I was dr. Seuss!" and she just laughed at me.

Another one I found interesting was I was an Olympic swimmer and I won four gold medals. which is weird cause I had never had any intentions in becoming an Olympic competitor although I do love swimming.

Now this one I remember I was around eight and I had a huge obsession with becoming a painter. I always told my mum "when I grow up I'm going to be an artist!" And like a good percent she supported my choice. I dreamed that I created the worlds best painting but all that there was on the canvas was a bunch of curvy lines in different colours..

I loved to watch the power rangers and I always wanted to be the pink power ranger. I memorised my favourite episode off by heart so I could play it in my head and make myself the pink power ranger and that was when I was like ten.

Well with crazy and awesome dreams there are also very terrifying nightmares.. And not just my little brother.

This one was very recent

It started as a normal day I was at school and everything was just the same as usual but when I went to the girls toilets there was this real creepy thing it was huge (tall) and black it appeared to be coming out from the floor.

it had long fingers with real long nails and you couldn't see a mouth it was like it didn't have one it like scooped me up as it held me in its hands all I could hear was growling

It scared me half to death.

I don't think I'll be using the girls toilets any time soon...

This one was when I had a fear of mice

I was around ten and I hated mice.

I had one dream where I was running and screaming from them and every time I found a room to hide in they would always find a way in and try to eat me.

Then of course I found out that they didn't eat humans and felt very stupid after that.

When you care so much about your friends like I do you'd feel like they're one of the most important things to you so it's very painful when they're in trouble and you can't help them.

So when I had a dream that my. Best friend was in the worst position there is it made me feel pathetic and I woke up crying because I felt as though I fails as a friend.

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