Chapter 34: Beat Her Ass!

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Los Angeles, California
June 24th, 2011
Onika Tanya Maraj

"Robyn just please calm down." I rubbed her shoulder.

"Calm down?! How the fuck am I supposed to calm down at a time like this?! She violated you!"

"It's not the first time." I mumbled turning my head away.


"Nothing." I said standing up. "Please calm down Robyn. I don't want you hurting anyone or yourself. Don't do anything hasty." She wiped her hands down her face and exhaled slowly.

"Alright I won't. I gotta go get Christian. I'll be back." She snatched her keys off the table. I grabbed her arm and pulled her back into me.

"Please don't." I looked her in the eye. She nodded and kissed the top of my head before letting me go and storming out.

Robyn Rihanna Fenty

I'm coming for you🙃. (2:34 PM)

What Nika doesn't know won't hurt her right? I had to go home to change, and after I went to Cyn's house and beat her ass, I was gon go get Christian. Perfect plan right?

I quickly got dressed in a pair of sweatpants, a t-shirt, and my pumas. "Time to go beat a bitch ass." I checked my phone to see if she answered my text and she had.

Cyn: Who the fuck is this and how'd you get my number? (2:44 PM)

Trust me, you'll find out soon. (2:46 PM)

Her location was apparently on so I could track her and find out where she was. And it led me to exactly where she was.

45 minutes later, I pulled up to a moderate house. It was small, only big enough for a small family and definitely not bigger than mine. "Guess this is-" Chime! I looked at my phone at Nika's text that she just sent me.

BigBootyNika😜🍑: I hope you're not out doing stupid shit. Come home as soon as possible😔. (3:09 PM)

She's gonna fuck me up after she finds out what I'm doing.

Cynthia Santana

"Shit! Right there!" Beyoncé screamed as I moved my tongue against her g-spot once again. She gripped the edges of the counter hella tight, so tight I thought her nails were gon break off.

Ding dong! "Noooo!" She screamed arching her back. I was about to stand up but she held my head down. "No let whoever is at the door, stay at the door!"

"Beyoncé, I will deal with you in a minute, just lemme get rid of whoever this. In the meantime take yo ass upstairs." She pouted and hopped from the counter and picked up her clothes from the floor. Whoever was at the door rung it again.

"I'm coming! Shit." I jogged to the door. Without bothering to look out the peephole, I opened the door and got knocked the fuck out.

"FUCK!" I fell to the ground, holding my bloody nose

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"FUCK!" I fell to the ground, holding my bloody nose. "What the fuck bitch?!" I looked at Robyn with her fists balled up. She thinking she can stop with just one punch? Gon have to do better than that. I wiped the blood from my face, standing up and swinging at her but unfortunately she ducked.

I reached and grabbed her hair and kneed her in the gut repeatedly. I kicked her once more and threw her on the floor. She grabbed my ankle and pulled me down. "Ow shit!" I held my head in agony.

"Fucking bitch!" She punched me in my rib cage. I managed to push her off of me but she gripped my throat and pressed her thumb to the back of my throat.

"S-stahp." I tried gasping for air.

"If you ever come around me or Onika again, I promise to God, I will kill you. I promise." She gritted then let go and kicked me in the side. My eyes slowly shut as her figure became blurry and I heard her footsteps retread and the door slammed. Minutes later, I heard the shrill shrieks of Beyoncé.

"Oh my god Cyn! What happened?!" She cried.

Onika Tanya Maraj

I paced the living room back and forth chewing on my already half eaten nails. "Robyn where is your crazy ass?" I mumbled to myself.

"Sweetheart I'm home and I brought a surprise!" I heard her scream and she appeared around the corner holding Christian in a car seat. "Baby look who's here!"

"Where were you?" I frowned folding my arms.

"Baby I went to get Christian. Here he is." She took him out of the seat and handed him to me. I took him from her and bounced him on my hip.

"You didn't go by Cynthia's house first?"

"I don't even know where she lives. So how about you get started on dinner and we put all this bullshit behind us for now?"

I shut my eyes and handed Christian back to her. "What do you want?"

"Whatever you're making baby." She pecked my lips and left me downstairs.

30 minutes into cooking I get a call from Beyoncé. "Best friend!" I smiled.

"Nicki! I need you to meet me at the hospital! Cyn's been hurt!"

"Wait slow down! What happened?!"

"I don't know! I walked down the stairs and she was just laying on the floor with blood coming out of her mouth. Just please meet me at the hospital now!"

I hung up and dropped everything. "Robyn! We gotta go to the hospital! Cyn's been hurt!" I yelled running up the stairs.

"Why I gotta go? Ion even like that bitch." She grumbled.

"Now is not the time. Bey wants me to be there and I have to be there. Let's go!" She heavily sighed but I honestly wasn't stun her and her funky ass attitude she had right now.

"Come on Rih now! Slow ass." I managed to get her downstairs to the car. She was acting like a lil bitch right now.


"Bey baby you okay?" I saw her sitting down in the waiting room.

"No, who would do some shit like this?" Her voice was shaky.

"Ion know but we gon find out." I assured her.

Robyn Rihanna Fenty

It's hilarious that they don't even know I did it. What's done in the dark hopefully won't come to the light soon.


Alright so what y'all think about this chapter? What y'all think about Rihanna kicking Cyn ass? And did anybody else hear about some damn clowns going around or was it just me? Go check out my new story for me. 20+ votes and 10+ comments. Be breezy!

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