SPORTS! (Im not atheletic)

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So me and my fren have a thing going on every day after school, during p.e. We're choosing something COMPLETELY random, and then we basically become it, and make it a language. Oh yeah, and we scream. There's lots of that too.
Today, we did a "mosquito" face, which sparked our idea to become it and talk like it. The best part? Annoying the absolute fuck out of my volleyball team. Even better? One of the girls I absolutely hate is on my team... and she wasn't there!
Normally, I just give glares to the people who I think should go die. But this girl? She's a drama queen. Always tries to have control. And the worst part? She's popular! Now I'm not saying I want to be popular, because, fun fact about author-chan, I used to be one of those mindless idiots. Now, thanks to my emo music and one of my closest best friends who showed me that music(You know who you are), the desire to be popular is gone. OK! Back to the story. Anyway, I'm on B team, which is much more chill than any other team I've been on, and this girl, Lexie, tries her very best to make sure the team is following her and doing what she wants them to do!
First off, she just started vball this year! This year! And she's not good! Well, neither am I, but she's worse than me!
Second, this toddler, because that's what she looks like and acts like to me, used to be a former cheerleader. A cheerleader!
The worst part which has nothing to do with sports? She can sing! Like, really well! And our grade, 8th grade, has a musical this year! And I'm trying to get a fairly good part, considering I've taken voice lessons for a year. I still am taking them by the way! And, not to talk myself up here, I have been told that my singing voice is, and I quote all the compliments I've gotten on it, beautiful, sweet, I can sing like Mariah Carey (not live!), which I don't believe is true!
Alright. I'm done ranting. Write in the comments if I should do a singing vid or not, and which song you'd like me to sing.
So long and goodnight,

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