Chapter 4| New Years And New Beginnings

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We're about to leave to the airport, I was defiantly about to have a panic attack I haven't been home in 2 years, we were all sitting in the cab waiting patiently to arrive at the airport, Finn biting his nails and Millie smiling as usual. We arrived at the airport a few minutes later, I grabbed my suitcase and ran to the boarding station, I put in all of our tickets and we boarded just in time for the plane to leave for Australia "Is it too late to say that I'm afraid of flying?" I chuckled, Finn laughed, he was sitting next to me, he got the window of course here comes 19 hours of flying to Australia, that means I could watch 9.5 movies, I giggled at the thought and turned on my movie player, I watched about 5 movies before I grew tired, I closed my eyes and fell into a deep sleep... I awoke by Finn nudging me "Yeah?" I yawned, he pointed out the window and smiled "Australia!" I beamed with joy, we landed softly and got out of the plane not forgetting our suitcases, someone was holding my name up "Here!" I smiled waving "Ah! Welcome Y/N, to your home country, where shall we be going today?" A young posh man asked, I put in my address and he drove us home, 2 hours away from where we landed. We pulled up to my house after 2 hours, my two horses neighed in excitement once I got out of the taxi and getting out suitcases "Kay guys, welcome home" I smiled opening the cream gate, we all ran up my ramp into my house carrying our suitcases "Mum I'm home!" I beamed, she greeted me with a massive hug and so did my dad "This is Finn, Millie, Gaten and Caleb" I smiled "Guys this is my parents" I added, I jogged to my bedroom which use to be a walk in closet (A/N This is actually true) "This is my bedroom" I smiled, "The sun room which we will be sleeping" I added going out the french doors of my bedroom into the sun room, where at the left corner was a cat scratching pole, and the 3 mattresses already set out, one was a double like the other time, I guided them around the whole house until we got outside, the beaming sun but the weather was chilly, I walked down to the chicken hut of where my dad built (A/N I actually live on a farm and all of this I'm writing is about my house) There were 11 chickens, my one still alive of 13 years, the quails, the birds, the turkeys and the geese with their newborn baby, my sister was out riding our male horse named Jack, she's nearly 19 years old her birthday is in May, we're 5 years apart, later before we left I told everyone to go shopping for country clothes cause you wouldn't wanna ruin your good clothes "Tomorrow is new years" I giggled clapping my hands together, Finn chuckled and went down to the end of the paddock while the rest of my friends were hanging around in the chicken coop or feeding my horse, Millie of course was the horse lover... Yet I was the one to go after Finn, maybe I'm not crazy to have a crush on him, Crush? no, love, I'm in love with Finn Wolfhard... "Hey, whats wrong?" I asked "Uh, nothing" He smiled "Wanna see something?" I asked, he nodded as I undid this part of fence into another paddock, a 15 acre one...I grabbed his hand and ran through the crops, to a big tree, it was a massive cherry blossom tree, some leaves where falling off the tree, the tree had a hollow inside, the trunks were big and thick so that someone would be able to sit in them, I climbed up inside the tree and used the small ladder to get up into a small lighten part, with a small table and chairs "Welcome" I smiled sitting down, the entire treehouse was carved into the tree, I found it a few years ago but failed to tell anyone "I swear if you tell anyone, I'll rip your throat out through your eye and continue to shove it up your ass" I joked, He bursted out with nervous laughter but it turned into actual screaming of laughter, I blushed and looked away, Finn softly grabbed my chin with his pointer finger and looked deep into my eyes, he bit his lip and slowly leaned in so did I...Finn's phone rang before we locked, I pulled away and cleared my throat "Hey, mum" He nervously chuckled "Yeah we got here safe, I'm just hanging out with Y/N" He added, I smiled and climbed down the tree landing on the ground, I ran to the fence where Gaten was waiting "So?" He smiled, I shook my head and chuckled, Gaten frowned and I continued to laugh, I walked into our shed and grabbed out my favourite vehicle of all time, a motorbike, I filled it up, I pumped down the throttle and started it up, the engine roaring, now this wasn't any usual crap bike, this was the bike, THE Bike that one me 3 championships for motorbike racing, Junior of course, so this bitch could go! "Finn!" I called over the engine strapping on my helmet "Yeah?!" He shouted back "Wanna come?!" I asked, Finn ran up as I gave him a helmet "Is this safe?" He asked "Nope" I chuckled revving the engine, I kicked it down into 2nd gear and sped out the gate Finn fiercely holding onto my waist, I chuckled as he was about to cry like a baby "You should have seen me at the championships!" I called over the wind "Yeah?" He called back "I won 3" I added, I turned a sharp left making the gravel flick up, I sped down the white hill in a medium speed, I turned a right and stopped onto a pathway into a forest "Trust me?" I asked revving the engine trying not to make it stop, he nodded about to throw up, I chuckled and kicked down the gears into gear 2, the path lead onto a Motorbike park, much like Gap Creek (Photo of Gap Creek below)

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