The interview.

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It's been about a week since the convention, and you keep thinking about Jensen and the way he was looking at you. You've dreamt about him more than you can count. He's amazing. You were about to head to the set. And what made it even better is the set was here in Y/H/T ( your home town ) so you didn't have to get a plane ticket. And if you do get the job you won't have to move. You were about to leave for set in about 30 minutes so you started getting ready. You got to your room and grab some clothes. You get a pair of black ripped skinny jeans a red flannel a black beanie and some fake glasses. For shoes you just grab some jet black converse.

You head to the bathroom and get ready. First you do your makeup so you don't ruin your clothes. You just put on some foundation and concealer under the eyes. You put some bronzer, blush and some highlight on then move to the eyes. You do a smokey look and a winged eyeliner and then mascara. Nothing very special. Then you put your clothes on. You had music while you got ready. You loved doing anything with music playing. It just helped you concentrate. You were almost done when Y/F/S came on. You looked up into the mirror and smirked at yourself. You start dancing like some crazy chick. What you didn't realize though was Y/F/N recording you from the bathroom doorway.

You pull up to the gated set. You had a newer ford focus. It's funny someone who can't afford a house can afford a car like this. You pull up to the guard at the entrance. "Hey can I help you?" The guy asks you. "Um yes. I'm here for a interview." You say sticking your head out the window with a smile. "Y/N Y/L/N?" He asks you. "Yes sir that's me." You nod at him. "Ok can I see your I.D. please?" You nod and reach in your wallet and show him your I.D. He opens the gate for you. You slowly drive in. Automatically seeing a big white building. You park in the spot the guy told you to park in.

You park your car and grab all the stuff you need. You look up and out your window to see Jensen talking to some people. And you can't stop staring at him. He's wearing a very fitted tank top and some basketball shorts. You admire his fit body and you look back up at his face. But you see him staring at you already. Your eyes get wide and you turn your head quickly. And start blushing like crazy. You hear a knock on your window and look up to see Jensen smiling at you. You roll down your window with the blush still on your cheeks. "Like what you see?" He asks leaning in your car. You just blush harder. "I was just seeing what I had to work with." You say looking in his beautiful green eyes. He just laughs a little. "I don't think you need to look at my body for that do you?" He asks. "You never know." You saying winking at him and opening your door. You catch him blushing once you're out of the car. He's so much taller than you. You think to yourself.

"It's nice to see you again. It's Y/N right?" He asks. "Um yea. How did you remember?" You ask him. "How can I forget you?" He says with a cheeky grin. You just blush even more. "Ha. Well can you tell me where the makeup trailer is?" You ask him. "Actually I'm headed there right now. So you can just follow me." He says turning away. "So why are you heading there?" You ask almost instantly regretting it. You already knew why he was going there. He's an actor. He chuckles at your curiosity. "Well actually Y/N. I'm going to be your canvas for today." He says turning to look at you. "Really?" you ask kinda nervous. "Yep. So make me look pretty. Ok?" He asks again looking back at you. "Ok I'll try." You say laughing a little.

You two get to the trailer and see a bunch of people standing there. "Ahh. You must be Y/N." A lady says walking up to you. You look at her and nod. "Yes ma'am." You say shaking her hand. "I see you have met Jensen here." She says motioning to the man beside you. "Yea. This is my second time actually." You say looking up to Jensen smiling. "You two have met before?" She asks looking between you two. "Yea she was at the convention last week." Jensen saying looking at you. "Ah I see well it's good that you two know each other cause you're going to be spending a lot of time together today." She smiles at you and Jensen. And motions for you to follow her.

You three go into the trailer and walk to the makeup side of the trailer. "Ok miss Y/L/N you and Jensen can get started on these." She says handing you a piece of paper with a bunch of different looks on it. "And after each one is done, just take a picture and show it to me when you're all done." She finishes. You just nod before she walks out. Jensen sits in the chair and waits for you to get all the stuff for him. He just admires you while you are getting all the stuff together. He grins a little just thinking about you being so close to his face for who knows how long. He shakes his head at the thought of that. Thinking how he would never have a chance with you. You turn to him. "Ready?" You ask mostly for yourself but he nods and you get started.

There was only like five different looks you had to do but Jensen was making it really hard for you. He kept moving when you would tell him not to. Or make fun of the faces you would do when you were concentrating on what you were doing. You were on the last look and it was a beaten up look you had to do some cuts on his eye brows some bruises and cuts on his lips. You grab the stuff you needed for the cuts and get started. You get done with the eyes and the cheek and now you are doing his lips. You are doing a little bit on them and just start looking at them seeing how full they were made you shiver. Thinking about having his lips on yours made you blush a little. You realized how nice they were on the show. But they were ten times better in real life.

You keep working while you are looking at his lips just admiring them. But Jensen notices and smirks a little you look up at him and he's looking at you already. "What?" You ask already knowing 'what'. "Nothing." He says looking down at you. You just go back to work, blushing like a mad man. You keep looking at his lips anyways cause one you had to finish and two you loved them. Once you were done you pull out your phone and take the last picture. You put your phone away and go to get the makeup remover wipes. Once all the makeup is off you go to the hair. Yes you did hair to. You were only doing one hair style. And that was 'Deans' normal hair style.

Once you were done with his hair. You let him get up and you start putting all the stuff away. Jensen was still in the trailer when you were done. You turn to him. "Why are you still in here?" You ask him, straightening your shirt. You grab your personal stuff off the counter and turn to the door when you are pushed to the nearest wall. Jensen was standing over you. One hand on your hip and the other on the wall next your head. You look into his eyes. "W-W-What a-are y-you doing?" You stutter out. "You think I didn't see the way you were looking at me in your car. And the way you were looking at me while you were doing my makeup?" He asks smirking at you. You just blush and look at the floor.

Jensen grabs your cheek and makes you look up at him. His hand still on your hip. You just stare into his eyes. You and him both start leaning in. You can feel his warm breathe. Your bottom lips touch when you hear a knock on the door. Jensen hangs his head and turns around. You go to answer the door but as soon as you get there the same lady walks in from earlier. "Are you two done? If so I'd like to see what you did." She says looking at you. "Um yea we just got finished actually." You say grabbing you phone from your back pocket. Jensen walks up to you and looks at your phone.

So lets just say you got the job. The producers really liked your work. You put a little different twist to the looks. And they liked how you didn't do it exactly the same as the previous makeup artist. And that's what got you the job. It was late by the time you were done. They offered for you to go out to eat with them, but you declined. You decided it was best that you went home so you would be well rested for tomorrow. They understood. So you headed home. Once you're home you see Y/F/N asleep on the couch. You laugh to yourself knowing she will be sore in the morning. You head upstairs so get ready for bed.

Once you took your makeup off you go and get pajamas on and get into bed. Once you get into bed you start thinking about today. You smile at how nice everyone was. And then you think of Jensen. You think about doing his makeup today. And then you think about what happened after you finished his makeup. The 'almost kiss'. You just sit in bed blushing about how YOU Y/N Y/F/N almost kissed Jensen Ackles. You just smile to yourself. Soon falling into a deep sleep. Not even dreaming a single dream. You almost don't wake up in the morning. But thanks to Y/F/N you wake up like 25 minutes before you have to leave. "Crap." Is all you say before you jump out of bed to get ready of you first day of working on the set of supernatural.

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