Chapter 7

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I opened my eyes and looked around trying to figure out where the heck I am. I tried to get up but immediately fell back down again because something was keeping me down. I looked down and saw a muscled, tanned arm was draped over my torso. I nearly freaked out and was about to push the guy out of the bed when I saw the face connected to the arm. Ummm WHY was I in bed with Xavier?? What happened yesterday?

Suddenly, all events from yesterday flooded my mind and I instantly felt my lips turn upwards in a smile. After I finished, everyone came up to me and hugged me and complimented me for being so brave. I knew that they were just saying that to encourage me but I just nodded along with them because for once in my life instead of being insulted, I was being praised and I wanted to savour that feeling. After everyone had gone, I was so exhausted that Xavier had to physically carry me back. I was already feeling so sleeps and his arms being so comfortable wasn't helping my case at all, so I fell asleep halfway through in his arms. Hence, why I had no idea where I was when I woke up.

I turned towards Xavier who's arms were currently wrapped around my waist. Real tight. Instead of waking him up, I just admired his face, if that didn't sound too creepy. The single freckle on the bottom of his lip, his slightly crooked nose as if it had been broken before, the small nearly invisible scar on top of his eye and just below his eyebrow. All these little flaws just made his face more flawless. But despite all these thoughts, I dont think I look at him as anything more than Friends. I just think of him like an older brother, someone who i'm very close to, someone who will always be there for me.

Suddenly, Xavier's eyes fluttered open and he smiled at me, "Hey princess! How was your sleep? I didn't crush you did I? i like to cuddle in my sleep. A lot."

"Well, I was the one sleeping next to you, wasn't I? So I think I have a firsthand experience of your immense love for cuddling." I replied with a teasing smile. He childishly stuck his tongue out at me and turned away with his arms crossed and an adorable out on his face.

"Xavier? I'm sorry.", I said. He didn't even budge. "I'm really really sorry.", I tried again in a baby voice. He still didn't say anything and I was starting to get a little worried when I saw the smile threatening to break out on his face and relaxed instantly. Oh that little- Two can play at this game. I smiled evilly in my hear. Doing a puppy dog face I said, "I get it, you dont wanna talk to me. It's kind of expected though, seeing as it's me." and just for extra dramatics, my bottom lip started to quiver as if I'm about to cry.

Xavier looked at me, then to my quivering lip then back at me.........and instantly started to panic, "Uhm no no no no, I-I didn't mean it like that I never meant to- SHIT! Believe me, I was just kidding around. Gosh! i'm such an idiot.", He rambled on and on. It was quite amusing to be honest, but I decided to put the poor guy out of his misery. He was still rambling so I burst out laughing.

Xavier stopped mid-rant and look at me in confusion and alarm, the realization dawned in his face, "You-you little-! What-?? Why did you-?? You-you....ugh!", He spluttered. I was laughing so hard, tears were streaming out of my eyes. I must have looked like a retarded weasel, just sitting there laughing so hard on his bed.

I sobered down and said, "S-sorry. It was too tempting. You looked so adorable that I just had to do it. Sorry, forgive me?".

He tried not to give in but royally failed, "Ugh fine! you're lucky you're so cute so yes, I forgive you." I squealed and hugged him hard.

We just sat there, wrapped up in each other's arms and lost in our thoughts. I thought about how much my life had changed in the past couple if days. From the rejection to the running away to being found by the Blood Fire pack then the joining into the pack. Now thinking back on it, it just seems so surreal that my life changed so much, so fast. Who knew a rejection had so many pros? In a way, i'm glad I got rejected by Mason. I think a part of me knew that I would never get accepted by my family, let alone my pack or even my mate. I just wanted to believe that I'd get my happily ever after with my mate, i made up this fantasy in my head that one day I'll be married to my mate and we'll have kids together and love each other all our lives. I was, despite being bullied, so caught up in my fairy tale that I didn't even stop to think that one of my tormentors could be my mate. I didn't realize that my mate could be the one to hurt me the most.

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