an idea.

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caramel lily's pov.

we packed the picnic up and fluttershy took it inside. saphire stayed with me while angel went with fluttershy.

"hi everypony!" i exclaimed.

"hello." they answered.

spike set a bag of books on the floor.

"um, twilight? what is this?" i asked.

"im going to teach you about friendship."

"um. i dont think books are nessesary." 

"that what i said!" rainbow dash exclaimed.

"my thoughts exactly." said rarity.

fluttershy came out and flew to my side.

"hi girls." she said.

"sorry for interupting your picnic, darling." said rarity.

"no need to appologize."

"i have a better idea for teaching caramel about friendship."

"what is that pinkie?" said applejack.

"a party! we'll envite everyone in ponyville to the sweet shop and intruduce everypony to caramel!" pinkie exclaimed.

"i don't think thats a good idea pinkie." said rainbow.

pinkie lowered her head in shame.

"why don't we do a fashion show." said rarity.

"no." said applejack.

"why don't we just show her around." said twilight.

"that's better." said applejack.

we went into town too meet everypony..........

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 03, 2013 ⏰

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