Chapter 1

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It had been 10 years since I last saw my mom. She was crazy and I mean crazy in a bad way. I remember when I was at school talking to my friends and she ran so hard till she was standing beside me in her pajamas. She screamed "watch out, they're coming!" To this day, I still don't know who she meant but like I said she was crazy. Noone should ever believe her. 

She isn't here anymore. My dad said she left us and this is my last, not so good memory of her. Actually it's the only memory I have of her. Not a good memory if you ask me.

I was 7 back then, I'm 17 now. I have long brown hair and dark grey/black eyes. Many people have told me my eyes are scary, but it's not like I chose them. I don't mind them too much though. It makes me different and I like different. 

"come downstairs, dinner is ready"

"give me a second"

I heard Diana's voice, my bitch step mom. She has such an annoying voice. I bet the neighbours can hear her stupid voice as well. I don't want to go downstairs and eat. My stesister is there as well and she's an even bigger pain in the arse than Diana.

My dad is on a business trip for a whole month. He decided to leave me here with those 2 peasants. 

Okay back to reality now... dinnertime "woohoo".

Here I am. Sitting. Waiting for my annoying sister to come downstairs. She is such a selfish bitch. She thinks she's the most beautiful girl in the world but even our pig in the backyard looks better than her.

She wants to be a model. -Dream on, bitch I've seen prettier cows than you-

"Why are you wearing that ugly sweater"

-Let me introduce you to my sister. She's never been the 'good first impressions' kinda girl.-

"why are you wearing that ugly face? ooh wait..." I replied. I can be sassy as well. 

"mom she's bullying me again!" I hate my sister. She acts like a 5 year old and Diana (she's not worth to be called mom) always picks her side.

This was the last thing I heard before I smacked my stepsis in the face. She had to see that one coming.


I woke up with the annoying sound of my alarm clock. great another day of school. 
I didn't want to go. School sucks just like my classmates.

They all bullied me because I was different and with different i mean my scary eyes. Someday I would get back at them but for now I have to live with it.

I entered the gates of hell. A few minutes later, the bell rang. I grabbed my backpack and walked to class. Everyone was already sitting down. There was only one seat left. Great, I had to sit next to the new kid.

He politely introduced himself but I couldn't care less about his name so I just laughed without actually hearing what his name was.

When I looked to my left I almost shit my pants. Wasn't he sitting next to me on my right? Scared I slightly moved my head to my right... he was still sitting there.

The next few seconds my head was turning right and left for like 10 times. I'm going crazy.

"He's my identical twin." 
I heard the one on my right say. That explains a lot...

"I'm Jai and he's Luke" I heard Jai say. Now I know Luke's name. 
They were actually good looking but there was something dark about them and I couldn't wait to find out why I thought that.

"My name is Alice"
Little did I know these words would change my life forever.

The teacher came in and introduced the new students. Then she turned to me. I saw she wanted to ask me something. If it was about those stupid bitches I hit yesterday then they asked for it.

"Can you help Luke and Jai, show them around and make sure they find the right classrooms"
shit, what could I answer now. This teacher liked me, what a surprise, and I needed a teacher on my side.

"Follow me twins"
Twins may be just a word but to them it was more than that. They suddenly turned their heads to me.

"don't call us that. I'm more than someone's twin and we both have names".

At first I was surprised because of Luke's short temper but then I realised it. They didn't want to be defined as somebody's twin.

They were more than that. they were both individuals. It was like me. I've been defined as a scary person because of my eyes since my classmates could speak. they were twins but they were more than that. Its hard to explain.

"I'm sorry" 
I've never said sorry and meant it as much as I did right now. This is so weird...
The way they walked, moved,... There was something about it... It's better than words. I just can't explain it.

"Here's the classroom where we have math. I know what you guys are thinking, and you're right,  this is indeed where all the fun happens!"

This had been an interesting school day. Jai and Luke were so funny the teacher had to tell them to stop talking to me because I was laughing the whole time. It's her fault for being so boring.

She hated me so she couldn't stand seeing me smile. She's a super bitch. If I could choose a teacher who would die, it would be so her.

But sadly this would never happen. I wish I was a witch or something or no a vampire so I could watch her die as I sucked all her blood out of her body. but sadly this only exists in movies.

And then I woke up from my daydream and my sister came in.

"I said you couldn't come in what are you deaf"

"I wish I was then I wouldn't hear you sing One Direction songs anymore"

"Jacelyne get out or I'll kill your Justin posters."

You could say anything you want about my sis but she had a pretty name. it's the only pretty thing about her. 
Two seconds later, I heard something fell. I went to see what it was and this was the best thing that could happen. My sister was laying on the floor.

"how was your journey to the floor?" I asked

"better then seeing your face everyday." -Jacelyne

"Friday the 13th strikes again" I replied
We should all agree she deserved this so I will laugh til I cry.

It was time to go to bed. ugh school tomorrow but for the first time in like ever I was happy because I could see Jai and Luke again.

I looked through my window and I took 3 steps back. There was someone watching me. Who is it and why is he hiding behind a tree?

I was too scared to go and ask and I don't think he has noticed that I've seen him. His eyes, I don't know if it's because of the lights but on one eye he has the same colour as my eyes and the other eye is dark green. It looks like some of those cats with 2 different eye colours.

I had never seen it before and I didn't want to see it now so I closed the curtains, went to bed and pulled my blanket all the way up. I needed someone to talk too but who would believe me when I didn't even believed myself.

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