Chapter 30: Prism Lips

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Disclaimer: I do not own Animaniacs. Yakko, Wakko and Dot and all of the other characters belong to their own respective owners. This was made strictly for entertainment and no profit is made off of this.

Chapter 30: Prism Lips


"Ten bucks Dot, really, jump on in there, a whole ten bucks."

"I ain't jumping in there! Not for ten."


"Don't jump." Warren moved up behind his creation, Wakko and Dot. "You'll be killed you idiots. That's the point." He peaked down from the rail beneath him at the extreme acidic mix he stirred up. "If I can't have the show, I might as well destroy it. Starting with the one everyone forgets." Warren motioned to his creations. "Go get the giant chicken."

"Hoo hoo hoo!" Wakko jumped up and down in excitement. "Everybody needs a little KFC!" he sang as he grabbed the gigantic cage and plopped it in front of themselves. "Do I get to throw it off? Do I, do I?"

"No." Warren got up close to the cage. "Do you know me, bird? Does anybody know me? My name's Warner, but I wasn't considered good enough. Not considered a good enough copy." He grabbed the bars on the cage and grinned as the chicken's legs started to wobble. "If they would have obeyed, it wouldn't have come down to this. Then again, I think I rather like this better. My creations are getting a kick out of it too. Do you know how hard it is to entertain those bloodthirsty psychopaths? Heh." He tisked with his tongue. "I wasn't considered any fun, at all. Oh brilliant, yes, powerful, quite...but fun? That's what they wanted so there they go and create...Renraw. Renraw!" He banged the cage. "Oh the perfect copy, almost got his own show, even started getting some more copies. Zenny, Iridescent and of course...Arrrrroma." He laughed as he rolled his r's. "Renraw had friends, me? Just Warren, no one cared where I went. No one even knew me. Not even my creator could say a single good thing. Renraw even got his own trophy girl, Aroma. Hm." He sighed. "Thing is, you can't just create something and ignore it. Especially when it's powerful, brilliant, and enjoys activities others would shun. You know why? Mister Chicken Boo?" He shook the cage and started to hear the chicken squawk and loose it's feathers. "Because you never know when it's gonna come and demolish your studio, and take out your cast. For good."

Warren stood up. "Alright you two, pitch 'em over."

"I get front!"

"I get the front!"


"No, one of you get the back, you're gonna lose-!" Warren grabbed his head as the cage fell backward. The shakeup unlocked the door and the chicken went running. "(Censored)! Get that giant chicken!"

Chicken Boo ran as fast as he could, his heart was beating and his breath came in small gasps. His feathers molted as he flapped his wings as quick as he could. He looked desperately for the exit, knowing it was somewhere near. "BOK BOK BOK!" There! The sunlight shone through the hole. "BOK BOOOOOK!" He flapped his wings faster, knowing if he got caught he wouldn't get a second chance.

When he bursted through to the surface he kept flapping and running, too fast for the edge. "BOOOOOK!"

He landed in between the H of the Hollywood sign. He rolled off it, and ran as fast as he could down the hill.

Everyone at Warner Brothers Studio was in trouble, and they didn't even know it yet.

"Dammit! Stupid chicken." Warren crossed his arms. "The rest of you!" He marched down the stairs and entered a collaboration of cartoon copies. "Pesto, you take out Pesto. Squit you take out Squit and so forth. If you have time, take out more."

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