The Meeting

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Third Persons POV :

It was a typical morning: Fog everywhere. The sun was very pale and it was very cold.

All the  people had fled from the soldiers who protected the leders of the other colonies on the way to the meeting . The main building was protected by about 500 armed soldiers.It was expected to be attacks on the leaders. By how it was planned the defense looked very solid, but do not judge the book by its cover.

Your POV :

I woke up this morning very early, in fact I do not think I slept last night . All night I thought about attack techniques and how to implement them.I am determined to do something today. Something that will change the world.I took my weapons and equipment and headed for the main building through underground channels. I was very well prepared.

Nothing can stop me now.

Pewds POV :

 I planned this meeting a long time ago ,so I'll take care of everything to be fine.  I called all the leaders to discuss the biggest problem of all: Spooks. That traitor knows about the meeting and he'll try to stop it. Therefore I could have called many guards to defend the building.Both me and Cry are tired of his attempts to stop us . What is worse is that he manages to do it.

I called Ian,Anthony and Toby because They had to do with him before. I can't let this happen! He's not going to distroy everything I built so far ! I'll stop him with the price of my life !

Crys POV :

I'm worried about Felix . I have not seen him so much worried.I am worried too but I'm sure that everything will be fine ! I hope so ...

Back at Your POV :

I almost reached the destination.Along the way I have installed my communicator and the voice changer.

These idiots were too busy to put guards outside and not inside . It is too easy...

I entered the building and climbed up to the top floor where I heard familiar voices.Obviously talking about me! I wandered down the hall until I found the electric panel... Got cha !

I ripped some wires and then burst into the room. I raised my gun and I pointed at them but they had their guns raised too . I heard shots and felt a deadly pain in my left arm .

I took the knife and I stabbed someone randomly and then I ran.

Crys POV :

After he ran I could see what happened: Felix had a wound caused by Spooks knife.

'Are you okay, friend ?' I asked shocked.

'Do not worry, just a little shaken, that's all! The attacker even left traces! he answered pointing to a trail of blood.

After Felix's arm was bandaged we decided to follow the trail of blood to find Spooks.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 03, 2013 ⏰

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