chapter 4

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Kevin arrives at the small community of broken down houses and fences he arrives at the front gate at the top it reads hillsburg which has 4 guards one walks up and asks, "state your business" Kevin says, "just passing by." the guard looks up at one of the guards on the gate and twirls his hand then the gate opens. Kevin drives in and all down the street are peoples houses, markets and cars. Kevin drives and sees a parking spot he parks gets chippy out of his cage and loads up. Kevin walks down the street and see's a stand with some corn, potatoes and other vegetables. chippy trys to sneak a potato but Kevin says, "no."  and chippy backs off from the potato. When Kevin looked down at chippy the German shepherd he see's a paper Kevin lean's down and picks it up. On it, it says

Kidnapped girl
Reward katana
Come to east 271 Main Street in Hillburg
In the picture is a young girl looks about 15 with brown hair and brown eye's. Kevin open's his map and 271 main street is just a block away.

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