I will destroy you

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Unknown: Wimp

Kitt: Who are you calling wimp child?

Unknown: You imperior line model.

Kitt: I'm bringing Michael into this..

~~~~Added Michael to chat~~~~

Unknown: Fine I'll bring in my friend.

~~~~~ Added Garth to chat ~~~~~

Michael: What is going on? I'm trying to talk to devon!!!

Gart: Karr I have no intention in talking right now I have to get the plans set up.

Michael: What plans?

Kitt: So that's who he is okay now I can update it!.

Karr: well that just blew it.

Garth: why did you put me in a chat Karr you know I hate chatrooms.

Michael: Would you prefer to talk face to face?

Garth: If we do, it would be my pleasure to defeat you.

Kitt: What was a calm chat turned into something loud and noisy.

Karr: Shut up.

Michael: Karr would you stop it.

Garth: No you stop it.

Kitt: Oh how I love this.....

Karr: I will get you back Kitt.

Kitt: I'm going to go talk to Bonnie now since Michael is not around to stop these child's.

Karr: I'm not a child you imperior line model.

Michael: Garth are you planning things We dont know about?

Garth: Karr I must talk to you privately right now.

Michael: your keeping secrets from us arnt you?

Garth: No.

Kitt: Then tell us.

Garth: Well not now.

~~~~~~Garth Left the chat~~~~~~~

~~~~~~~ Karr left the chat ~~~~~~~

Kitt: Yep they are.

Well that's it for today I hope you enjoyed if you did please vote and say what you would like me to do next!! Until next time bye!!!

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