Chapter 8: Amusement Park

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Demitri said her goodbyes to the Vongolas after they all helped her fix up the place and eat delicious cookies together. Eventually, it became the next day and Izeio is first to wake up, he carefully walks down the stairs, hoping not to wake anyone up. He made it down the steps, slowly striding into the kitchen to be first to eat breakfast. He opened a cabinet and grabbed a bowl, after that he closed the cabinet door and to his surprise, some girl was waiting on the other side. Izeio flinched, dropping the bowl and shattering it into a million pieces, "Jeepers!" (He didn't really say that xD). Anyways, the girl flinched as well, dropping her own item, a comic book. "I'm so sorry!" Her knees then collapsed and she picked up the bowl's sharp pieces, she then placed them in the sink and held out her arm. Izeio looked down at her arm and back up to her face confused. The girl looked agitated, "Your suppose to shake it idiot." She flicked him before Izeio noticed, "Oh yeah, sorry, I'm extremely tired at the moment." He shook her hand, it was warm. Kurumi then came tumbling down the stairs of the manor, awoken by the bowl's destruction, "What happened?!" Izeio smiled, "Oh I dropped it, ha ha..." "And who is she?" "Oh her? She's uh.... hmm.... wait.... why are you in our home!?" Kurumi rubbed her fingers between her eye brows, barely keeping up with Izeio's low IQ (Author's note: Izeio's IQ is actually 135). "Oh!" The girl walked backwards, having the box of lucky charms behind her back, "Well um..." Niko then entered the kitchen, "She's the one you saved from the train wreck dumb dumb." Izeio finally figured it out, "Oh yeah, alright you cool, you cool." The girl smiled, "Anyways my name is still blurry to me, but you can just call me uh... Weeb.... that sounds familiar some how." Izeio was triggered by the word weeb, "Are you sure you want to get called that?" "Pretty sure, or Ada, I like that name too." "Ok... well it's still morning, Niko make us some food." Niko rolled his eyes, "I'm not some bitch, but ok sir." Niko then walked to the cupboard looking for some glasses, then to the fridge for some milk, bananas, vanilla ice cream, chocolate syrup, and light yogurt. After that, he went to the pantry to get some chocolate muscle milk power. He then dumped it all into a blender and pressed the button, Izeio sighed, "Now your going to wake the rest up." Weeb hopped on her toes, "Oh cool, I guess it's time for me to meet the rest of you." After the rest of everyone all came down in their jam jams, she was easily a part of the family, not officially of course though. Eventually the morning transitioned and Alison wanted to go to the Amusement Park she's been hearing about lately by some townspeople. Alison tugged on Mikey's sleeve while he played Counter Strike: Global Offense with Niko. Mikey kissed Alison on the cheek and went back to gaming, "Not now babe." Niko silently grinned to how their relationship played out. Alison hated being ignored, she then bounced herself on top of Mikey's lap, blocking his vision with the screen. She then hopped up and down, pulling his collar to her and kissing him. Niko jumped straight out of his seat, "I'm out." He then left the room, flinging his controller at Alison's ass. Mikey laughed, "I love how ignorant you are," Alison wrapped her arms around his neck, "Now can we please go to the park???" Mikey didn't want to, so he dragged all of his companions down with him. "Izeio!" Mikey yelled from the living room of the manor. Izeio was currently at the marble island reading some manga with Weeb. "Whaaaaaat? I just found out Weeb loves to read comic books too!" Mikey stuck his tongue out, "Get your ass over here." Izeio then walked over to Mikey, extremely pissed, "Tell me!" Mikey looked back to Alison, still sending sexual notations on her boyfriend's lap. "Amusement Park." Izeio shrugged, "You two are starting to piss me off." The couple laughed and Izeio took the fam to where Alison desired. Everyone put on their snow coats, because today it actually began snowing. The snow crushed under Izeio's boots as he walked side by side with his friends. Unfortunately Izeio had to heave Kurumi through the snow to the park because she was too tired to walk. Fortunately, Cynthen was back at home still sleeping and no one gave any fucks to bother to wake him up. Once Izeio completed leading the squad to the 'carnival,' they all dispersed, Kitty dragging Blake to the large, striped tent where they were performing tricks, and Blaze followed in investigation. Niko, Dani, Mikey, Alison, and Amy all headed to the water gun racer. Izeio then tossed Kurumi off of him and into a pile of snow until Neo helped her up, "Wanna go on a roller coaster or something?" Kurumi smiled excitedly, "Sure." That left Izeio awkwardly standing around Weeb, "So, that leaves us... what do you want to do?" Weeb crossed her arms, "How about not be awkward?" Izeio widened his eyes, scared to see if he already fucked up their friendship. "Kidding," she said, "I guess we can see where this path takes us." Izeio looked at his phone, in attempt to dodge making eye contact, "Alright, seems legit." Izeio and Weeb coordinated down the path, passing fun looking games and shops. Weeb grabbed Izeio's hand and he blew up in blush as his body was pulled to a nearby activity. "Here's five dollars sir." Weeb said and handed to a man maintaining one of the stands. "Thank you pretty lady." He said, Izeio initiated a startling stare at the man, ensuring him not to compliment his woman. The employee then handed the two, four bean bags each, implementing the least friendliness possible after Izeio's dreadful communication. Weeb threw her first three bags in a flash, missing each one, "Oh fucking come on!" Izeio threw his first two on point, "You'll be awesome eventually ha ha," he dabbed. Weeb ducked under the hood of her coat, extremely embarrassed by Izeio's action. He then threw his last two, missing utterly off by a mile, "That was on purpose." Weeb laughed, slapping her legs, "Alright Mr. Know it All, let's see you beat me at go carts!" Izeio developed a smile, "Your on." The two then sprinted for the circuit a couple meters down the road. They then purchased some carts and pressed their feet against the gas pedal, "Are you sure you can handle this? Maybe you have some injuries still." Izeio questioned. Weeb floored it, blowing a sheet of coal black gas into Izeio's helmet, "Fight me!" Izeio skidded after her, determined to slaughter her by a lap or two. Kira and Zelda walked over to the tracks, monitoring both, "Who do you have your cash on Zeldy?" Zelda's eyes followed Izeio's automobile, "I got my money on boss." Kira was shocked, "Seriously? I think that Weeb person will shrekt him." The best friends roasted each other all the way to the end of the race, where Izeio pulled to victory. Kira put a finger gun to her head, possibly wanting to drink bleach. Izeio pulled his helmet off of his head, "Now will you finally respect my ability to beat you?" Weeb lifted her finger, "If I say yes will we stop this pointless arguing?" "Yes." "Ok then yes, now I'm hungry, momma's gotta get some meat." "Agreed." The two headed to a snack bar, passing Cynthen sprinting for Kira and Zelda, "GUYS! SORRY I'M LATE!" Kira smiled, "I can see that." "So Zelda, want to head onto the Ferris wheel together?" Kira elbowed Zelda, being the bestest friend a girl could have. Zelda pushed Kira aside and agreed, they both headed to the woman working the current wheel session. "Two people." Zelda said to her. Cynthen and Zelda walked onto the levitating pad and sat down in their seats, traveling in a vertical curve to the top of the ride. They could view the entire kingdom from this altitude, "Look!" Cynthen pointed to a beautiful garden peeking from behind the castle. "Stunning" Zelda described as the wheel began to wobble. "Uh, what's happening?" "Don't ask me!" After a certain amount of time of shaking, Zelda's body veered off to the side of the ride. "Your the only one hanging off, you do know that?" Cynthen calmly said as Zelda hung from a pole. "CYNTHEN!" Zelda fell. He sighed, jumping off after her and equipping his flying gear. Luckily he caught her safely though, Zelda let out a breath of relief after being rescued, "Took you long enough." Cynthen rubbed his hair to the side, "I could still drop you." "Gg."

Ai Genesis in Winter [Old Work 2016]Where stories live. Discover now