Chapter 1 - Part 1

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I awoke this morning terrified of the dreams threatening to return to the surface of my memory. I grab my dream journal and jot down the flashbacks of battle as I remember them. Twin blades of silver steel flash in my memory as I destroy the enemy. I literally felt every crunch, every slice of flesh, as they were ripped apart before me. I shudder as I finish jotting down my scrambled thoughts and rise from my bed searching for the tantalizing smell that is sure to be bacon. Sure enough, as I descend the stairs I can see my grandmother Evie stationed at the stove frying up my favorite Apple-wood smoked bacon, fresh from the farmers market.

"Grab a plate dear." My grandmother says without shooting so much as a glance in my direction.

I shake my head and smile; I don't think I will ever understand how she knows exactly the moment I enter a room. Especially, seeing that the floor is hardwood and my socks are silent as I pad across the room. I take two plates from the cabinets over my head and get to work on setting the table.

I had just finished pouring the orange juice in our glasses when grandma began filling our plates high with all the food she had made earlier in the morning. Blueberry pancakes, which just happened to be my favorite, Apple-wood bacon, scrambled eggs, and two pieces of toast, were placed before me. My mouth waters as I smell all the savory goodness that is my grandmothers cooking. However, when my grandma places a dollop of cool whip on my pancakes I become overly suspicious. 'Grandma never spoils me this much unless she has some type of news.' I think to myself.

"Alright, out with it." I say to her with a cheeky grin.

"Oh you never let anything get past you Winter dear! You're no fun." My grandmother says as she swats playfully at my hand. "Okay, well... you see you're on the verge of finishing your high school career and I have been thinking an awful lot lately. How would you feel about taking an extended trip to see all the wonders that Europe has to offer? Of course, only after graduation next week mind you. You still have to walk across that stage and receive your diploma."

I stop mid bite with my fork hanging halfway out of my mouth. "DO WHAT?!" I squeal. "Are you serious? Or is this another practical joke because -"

"It's no joke dear, I mean every word." She says with a huge grin interrupting my train of thought.

"OH GRANDMA!" I screech as I practically knock over everything on the table to get to her. I wrap her in a huge bear hug screaming, "OH, THANK YOU! THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU! YOU'RE THE BEST GRANDMA IN THE WHOLE WIDE WORLD!"

"Gracious me, Winnie you're going to make me deaf!" She cries in laughter as she hugs me back.

I didn't even care that she called me that awful nickname from my childhood. I was on cloud nine. She shooed me back to my seat, fussing about my breakfast getting cold though I could hardly eat it. I was so excited about the prospect of spending even a just a week in Europe. I began to day dream about riding a Double Decker bus in London, scouring the shops in Paris, exploring the city of Rome, and immersing myself in the culture of Prague. The possibilities were endless.

"Winnie, you're going to be late for school. Best get a move on. You know how much they dislike tardiness." Grandma says from the kitchen sink interrupting me from my train of thoughts.

"You're right, I'll go get dressed Grandma. Thank you again, I can't wait to explore Europe with you." I say as I press a light kiss to her cheek.

She says nothing as I rush up the stairs to finish getting ready for school. My mind races with the extraordinary news she delivered bubbling over with excitement and anxiousness. I rush to get ready, and fly out the door eager to get to school and share the news with my best friend Amie. It isn't long before I am seated behind the wheel of my cavalier barreling down the road on my way to my high school.

Winter Rose - Book 1 of the Seraphim Chronicles Where stories live. Discover now