Chapter 1 -Part 2

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I went through most of my school day in a joyous haze, barely remembering the conversation that took place that morning when I ran into my best friend Amie. Amie of course, had been overly ecstatic, with a bit of jealousy laced throughout if I was being honest. I didn't care though. I was too happy to question the will of the Gods. I chuckled at my dramatic musings. "What's so funny?" Amie says, distracting me from my wayward daydreaming. I just snicker and say, "Oh nothing. You know me, I get distracted sometimes over the strangest things."

We turn our attention back to the teacher who is currently going over the summer reading list for the undergraduates. I figured I didn't really need to hear about it considering I was graduating in just a short week. So, being the daydreamer that I am, I turn my attention back outside to the dark clouds that seem to be coming in fast. I frown, uncertain of how I could've missed those only a few seconds ago.

It was then that I noticed how quickly the room seemed to be spinning, and how cold my right hand had gotten. I wasn't sure what was happening and when I looked down at my hand, I saw there were tiny ice crystals forming in dazzling patterns all over. I watched as it crept up my arm and gasped when I saw sparks fly from my fingertips. I jerked my attention to the rest of the room in a panic hoping and praying no one had seen the strange things happening to me. I glanced at Amie and noticed her eyes were big and round. "Oh God." I mutter under my breath. Panicking, I quickly jerk down my long sleeved shirt and raise my left hand up wildly waving at my teacher Mr. Ward. "Yes, Miss Rose?" He asks as I jerk my arm back down.

"May I be excused to the rest room?" I ask as I spring from my seat and go to the front of the room. I don't wait for his answer as I grab the hall pass key and sprint to the nearest bathroom. Once inside I lock the door behind me, jerk my shirt off, and stare at the ice crystals that now trail up my arm. I gasp as they begin to move again making another pattern, trailing even further up to my shoulder and wrapping around the back of my neck. I tentatively reach out a finger to trace the patterns, noticing how they light up as I touch a certain area. I trace pattern after pattern, certain I had seen the designs before. A distant memory, just on the edge of my consciousness willing me to remember.

I reach out again to trace the newest pattern and am surprised when they suddenly glow a brilliant blue color. I can feel the patterns hum, almost as though they are alive against my skin. I stand in awe at the sight before me, and as quickly as they came they mysteriously vanish. I yelp in surprise as my once ice covered arm is now the same normal looking arm that it always had been.

I pinch myself, and jerk in pain once I realize that this is in fact real and that I'm not dreaming. Hearing a knock on the door, I hastily throw my shirt back on and rinse my hands in the sink. I'm not sure why I go through the motions but I do anyway and practically knock over a girl as I exit the bathroom in a hurry. "Sorry." I mumble as I make my way down the hall and back to my lit class.

The rest of the class goes by in a blur, while I'm left feeling seriously freaked out. I grab my knapsack and jacket and rush out the door with the rest of my classmates as the bell rings, signaling the end of the period. I don't wait for Amie as I jet down the hallway. I don't look back when I hear her call out, and I don't turn around when she screams my name in frustration. I don't even acknowledge the security guard as I pull out of the school parking lot and head down the main road towards my home.

I don't know what I am going to say to my grandma when I get there, but I do know that my grandma is going to listen to me and explain what the hell is going on. I'm either going crazy or... no, I really can't say it, and won't say it. Magic doesn't exist, there is just no way that it possibly could be real; which meant that I was probably headed straight for the looney bin. Either way I was going to get some answers before I had a stroke from shock.

Winter Rose - Book 1 of the Seraphim Chronicles Where stories live. Discover now