Jeff The Killer

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Name: Jeffery Woods

Age: 16

Favorite Color: N/A

Least Favorite Color: N/A

Hair Color: Black

Eye Color: Black

Hobby: Knife Throwing

Sister: N/A

Brother: Homocidal Liu

Mom: N/A

Dad: N/A

Best Friend: Ben Drowned

Enemy: Jane The Killer

Fear: His Brother/His Past


Personality: He has anger issues and tends to pass out a lot. He messes around with Sally like shes his little sister, but he doesn't hang out with her. He names his knives 

Special: Knifes

Powers: He's very good at using knives

How You Die: He wakes you up and while you stare at him afraid and half asleep he says "Go To Sleep". He then murders you.

Catchphrase: "Go To Sleep"

Short Backstory: He moves to a new town and some boys pick on him slowly making him go mad. The leader ends up setting him on fire and he goes to the hospital. His appearance is horrendous, but... He likes it. That accident  triggers a monstrous part of him inside causing him to kill his family, the neighbors, and possibly the bullies. 

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