Jane The Killer

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Name: Jane Arkensaw

Age: uh

Favorite Color: Black

Least Favorite Color: Red

Hair Color:Black (wig)

Eye Color: ??? to Black

Hobby: Killing Jeff lol

Sister: ???

Brother: ???

Mom:  ???

Dad: ???

Best Friend: Clockwork? (I honestly don't know?)

Enemy: Jeff The Killer ( I wrote Jegg twice fml)

Fear: Jeff, looking in a mirror (with no mask on)


Personality: She never shows her face. She hates Jeff. She might or might now have a little crush on him. She likes to play with Sally. She likes to hang out with the "masked kids" (Ticci Toby, Eyeless jack, Masky, Hoodie, etc)



How You Die: Uh you don't lol

Catchphrase: Don't go to sleep, you'll never wake up 

Short Backstory: She moved to a house close to Jeff and they fell in love!

For a second until Jeff went crazy and killed her family and made her "beautiful"

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 21, 2018 ⏰

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