The Proposition for the Duckling

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I'm back!!!

I'm so happy that I'm done with this chapter and can finally get it out to you guys. It's a bit of a slow chapter but it sets up a lot of the book.

Let me know what you guys think of this chapter. Love you all for sticking with me and remember...

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The bedroom door trembled with the pounding of the music coming from downstairs. Loud talking and laughing came from right outside the wall and floated from the lower level. Every time the base dropped, the records on the shelves and lamps threatened to fall to the floor.

I flipped the page of my chemistry text book and once again fought with concentration to read the first line of the page. The noise has been deafening since 9pm, thus the rate of my homework getting done since then has greatly slowed. Trying to study the hybridization of electrons was practically impossible with the party raging downstairs.

I pulled off my glasses, rubbing my eyes. The party only started an hour and a half ago but I was exhausted. Not that I had made any sort of appearance out of my room. There had been several times where partygoers had tried my door knob to get in. Most likely a pair of horny teenagers wanting to get it on in a bedroom. I shivered at the idea of having anyone do "it" in my bed. My bed. I had even put a sign on the front of the door, saying no entry, but I don't know how drunk they were so who knows if they could read it.

I had never physically gone to one of my sister's parties. Usually, I was present in the house, but I had yet to actually go down with the rest of our student body and dance and socialize. I only left my room for practical reasons like getting something from the fridge, which I snuck promptly back to my room. I had absolutely no desire to fraternize with anyone in the house, not even my sister.

I pushed my glasses back on my nose and shut my textbook. There was no use in trying to study anymore with the atrocious noise coming from the floor below. My record player did no use in drowning out the racket in the house and I gave up on that in the first 20 minutes.

Reaching for the plate on the night table, I grabbed my cold slice of pizza that I had served myself before anyone got here. I took a large bite out of the untouched crust. I chewed on it slowly and decided what I was going to do now.

Personally, I'm a grandma when it comes to when I go to bed. I went to bed at 9:00pm every school night since I start my homework pretty much right after school. On weekends, a late night was 11:00 for me. Unfortunately, the music and yelling from downstairs were going to make sleeping impossible.

I looked around my room for a source of entertainment, yet nothing was looking exactly appealing at the moment. The party would be too distracting for reading a book or watching a movie. The only other place in the house that wasn't going to have people in it would be the studio since I told Caroline specifically to lock it.

Our dance studio was located on the first floor in the east wing of the house. My mom had the space re-furnished after she found that I was going to stick with dance. Caroline and Georgie also practiced in there when they wanted some extra workout time for gymnastics and cheer.

The studio was in the very back end of the wing, so it took some serious navigation to get back there, but in case someone did end up stumbling upon it in their probably drunk state, I didn't want people possibly doing "stuff" in there.

I would have to adventure out of my room, but I had been locked up here for almost two hours and I'm getting sick of it. From my dresser, I pull out spandex and a tanktop to wear. I put sweatpants over the entire ensemble, including a sweatshirt. They were much too tight for anyone to see me in and I didn't want to be recognized. I pulled the hood up over my head, so it sat low on my forehead, shadowing my face.

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