You Have More Pairs of Sweatpants Than An Overweight Old Man

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Hi children!!

Hope you're still having a fantastic summer. I leave for college in less than a month. *gasp* I'm super excited and ready to go.

I've attached the acoustic version of Aerosmith's "Angel" and this is pretty close to how I imagine Sam sounding like, but think maybe a little more rasp. Hope you love it and this chapter!

Now read, vote, comment, fan! And be your awesome selves!

Much love,

The rest of the car ride was silent, just the low grumbling of Sam's engine filling the void. Without much to do, I admired how comfortable the seats were and looked out the window. I knew Sam wasn't much of a small talk kind of guy, so I kept my mouth shut, glad I didn't have to start up a strained conversation.

When we reached my street, I asked Sam to park around the block from my house. All of my family was out for the afternoon for various reasons, even Reba was gone for her weekly Tuesday grocery shopping trip. However, just in case in the rare event one of them comes home early, I didn't want Sam's flashy car in the driveway. That would be a tough one to explain to any of them.

Sam followed me down the sidewalk and up the driveway towards the front door. I unlocked my house with the key on my lanyard and then pushed open the big wooden door. I held open the door for Sam before closing it tightly behind him. It was quiet through the house except for the soft sound of our shoes on the tile.

"Are you always by yourself at home?" Sam suddenly asked, breaking the serenity of the house.

I shrugged halfheartedly. "No. We have a housekeeper who's usually here."

"That doesn't count, Lu," Sam deadpanned. An unreadable emotion rested on his face, which was accompanied by a softer look than usual in his eyes at the mention that it was only Reba and me. They flashed back to their hard quality before I could take a good look at him.

Not wanting to continue with this uncomfortable conversation, I turned on my heel and began the trek up the front foyer stairs. Sam didn't push the matter further, realizing I was not in the mood and instead followed after me.

My steps up the stairs began to grow slower when it dawned on me that Sam would be going in my room. Boys in my room was not an adventure ever heard of and now I was leading one of the most notorious "bad boys" from Mountain Brook and my sister's archenemy to my room. Who the heck am I?

"Are you too tired to walk up the stairs now?" Sam sneered behind me, referring to my obvious out-of-shapeness from earlier.

I gave him a narrowed look over my shoulder, considering the possibility of pushing him down the stairs. Unfortunately, I wasn't interested in going to jail any time soon, so I kept my hands to myself. Maybe I'll just lock him outside my room... but then he has free range of the rest of the house, including Caroline's room.

Wait, is he suppose to sit on a chair, the floor, or my bed? Did Caroline worry about this stuff when her guy friends are over? Of course she doesn't. She's been having boys over since we were little. She probably doesn't even care where they sit anymore. Is this even an issue I should be worrying about? I firmly decided he would not be sitting on my bed. That's my bed and I don't want him to get the wrong impression. What impression would he be getting from you dummy?

When I did reach the top of the stairs, I led Sam in the direction of my room. Tentatively, I pushed open the white wooden door and entered my most private spot other than the studio with Sam trailing. I tossed my bag on the floor by my desk and kicked off my converse in to the closet.

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