Chapter Four

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Resetting the trap I had just checked, I make sure that everything is secure before standing back up from my crouched position. My legs protest the movement, and I wonder just how long I have been there.

Looking around, I see that the sun is high in the sky, making it somewhere around noon. That means I have been out here for at least five hours, trekking through the woods and trying to find all the traps that I had set last night.

Now that I am done with the last one, I can finally make it back to the house. With a tired sigh, I lean down to pick up the rabbit that had been unlucky enough to get ensnared in this trap and tie it onto my pack.

The past week has been draining. I feel as if I take any moment to rest, I won't be able to get back up again. With my wolf spirit gradually becoming stronger and my resistance becoming weaker, I am finding it difficult not to pounce on Micah whenever I catch the barest hint of his scent.

Alexis has been pushing and prodding for me to go and talk to Alpha Seren, saying that he might know what is going on, but so far I have refused. But the worry in her eyes is becoming more apparent, and my restlessness is becoming more obvious. It is time for me to finally cave into my sister's wishes and talk to the alpha.

Just the thought of having to talk about my wolf spirit and how it is making me weak makes my face twist into a grimace. Admitting weakness is something that I have rarely done, not wanting to give in when things are hard. Having someone tell me to do something makes my resistance grow even stronger, not wanting to admit that they are right; I am weak.

Everything inside of me is telling me to keep quiet about what is going on, wanting to run away from my sister's worried eyes and Micah's sad ones. But I know that I can't this time.

Shaking my head, I force myself to snap out of my thoughts. Now is not the time to get distracted, and with Micah on my mind, there is no way I could pay attention to my surroundings.

Being outside the fence means that every part of me has to be on high alert. Too many things out here could creep up on me at any moment.

The last few times I was out here, some infected had wandered by, the first time being humans and the last couple times being werewolves. It's strange because I have seen more infected in the last couple weeks than I have all the other weeks we have been here combined.

Something seems to be going on, but I haven't quite figured out what, yet.

The snapping of a stick causes me to whip my head over to my right. Squinting my eyes, I try to find the source of the sound, but can't see anything. Not wanting to chance anything, I walk as quickly and as quietly as I can over to a large oak tree on my left. Grabbing onto the lowest hanging branch, I pull myself up. It only takes a minute for me to pull myself up a few more yards, making it so that no one can see me unless they are actively searching for me.

Satisfied, I lean against the trunk of the tree, eyes turned in the direction that I had heard the noise.

A low growl cuts through the air, making me stiffen up. My eyes gravitate towards the sound, and closer than I originally thought, stands two infected werewolves. Both of them look like they have done a couple rounds with some other werewolves, their fur matted with blood and a few places missing skin entirely.

One looks slightly worse for wear, a chunk of its back leg missing, and spit dripping from its mouth. The other doesn't look much better, but it does seem to be less crazy than the other. Together, they stalk through the trees, their noses raised in the air as if they are trying to catch the scent of something.

Holding my breath, I watch as they walk closer to the tree I am hiding in, their dark eyes flicking around the forest.

Shit, I am so fucked if they see me up here. I had been so stupid when coming out here, only bringing a small pocket knife to use for cutting animals free of my traps. Now, I am stuck in a tree with no weapons and two infected werewolves about to discover my hiding spot in a matter of seconds.

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