Chapter Twenty- One

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"Ellen," Levi says, stepping forward. Gently, he places his hand on the woman, making her flinch slightly at the contact. "Come on, let's take a step back so we can all figure this out."

The woman looks like she wants to protest, but the scowl falls from her face, replaced by a look of genuine sadness. Her eyes fixate on Noah and wetness starts to gather in them.

"Alright." Alpha Seren rubs his hand over his face, looking exhausted. "Liam, why don't you and Taylor get everyone settled into their rooms. The rest of you, come with me up to my office."

Taylor hands over the sleeping babies to me, both of them snuffling a little bit, but settling once they catch my scent. He gives me a reassuring smile, pulling me into a careful hug before following Liam and a majority of the newcomers out of the room.

Alpha Seren gestures for all of us to follow him out of the living room. We stay silent as we walk through the house and up the stairs. He holds the door open for us as we walk into his office, offering me a small smile and Jesse a comforting pat on the back. Levi and Ellen take the two chairs directly in from of Alpha Seren's desk, while Jesse and I sit on the small couch placed against the wall. Instead of sitting behind his desk, Alpha Seren carries his chair over into the open space, setting it down directly across from me and Jesse.

"Come on in and take a seat, Jane," Jesse calls out.

Confused as to who he is talking to, I look up at the doorway, where a young woman is standing. She has dark hair and eyes but doesn't show the slightest bit of discomfort as she comes into the room. She takes a seat on the couch, leaving about a foot of space in between her and Jesse.

"Who is she?" I whisper to Jesse, leaning against his side in comfort.

"She's the one who rescued Noah."

My eyes widen marginally when I look back over at the girl, taking a closer look at her. She raises a dark brow at me but doesn't say anything as I watch her. Now that she is closer, I can see that she has a spattering of freckles on her face, making her skin look even paler. She is beautiful but seems to be the kind of person who doesn't care about her looks. Immediately, she reminds me of Alexis.

"Let's get started so we can get this over with before my headache reaches its full potential." Alpha Seren lets out a long sigh, sitting back in his seat and crossing his arms. He looks over at Ellen, whose eyes are bright with tears. "So, you believe that Noah is your son."

"I don't believe, I know," she says, her words a bit shaky. "He looks exactly like my mate."

"I thought you said that his birth mother was dead?" Jesse says, looking over at Jane with scrutinizing eyes. "That the humans had killed her once she failed to shift when they took him away."

"That's what I was told," Jane says, her voice softer than I was expecting. "I wasn't in the room when they threatened her. I was just handed the baby and told to dispose of him since the mother had been taken care of."

"She wasn't killed, obviously," Levi says, "but it is true that she didn't shift once the baby was born."

"They threatened my mate," Ellen says, eyes focused on her hands. "And eventually I shifted."

"She didn't want Noah when she was pregnant with him, that's why threatening him when he was born didn't work," Levi says, sitting back in his chair.

"How do you know all of this, Levi?" I ask, readjusting the babies so that they are in a more comfortable position.

"We were brought in on the same truck, and sitting in cramped quarters for over two days makes you learn a lot about people," he says. "And when she shifted, we all learned why through the bond."

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