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Merlin coughed and started to breath again and Arthur and Gaius breathed a sigh of relief. "Gaius I forgot to say but Merlins eyes have gone brown. Do you know what that means?" Arthur said curiously. "No I do not but it can't be good" Gaius said in a concerned voice. "But I will read through all of Lady Merians books" Gaius said determinedly.

Felix and Gaius out cream on Merlins burns but they both new that they would never heal properly. Merlin started to cough and he spewed back up the potion as well as some blood. "That happened when I tried to give him water, he hasn't drunk or eaten for several days" Arthur told Gaius.

"That isn't good the potion mustn't of worked properly if that happened unless the sword wet through to his digestive organs and blood isn't good" Gaius said.

That night no one got much sleep. Arthur never left Merlins side and he was still very concerned about Merlin even though Gaius did say that he was going to be fine.

It was midday and Merlins eyes started to move under his eyelids. Arthur knelt next to Merlin and touched his shoulder. As he did Merlins eyes flung open and he started breathing heavily. Arthur smiled "Merlin!" he said as he looked at Merlins eyes to see that they were black not there usual blue.

Merlin heard Arthur's voice but when he opened his eyes he only had vision in half of each of his eyes and had a killing headache. He also only felt half alive and very miserable another words not himself. Merlin concentrated on Arthur and smiled, well the best that he could anyway.

Arthur smiled and hugged his friend "Merlin I thought you were dead" Arthur said. "I felt dead" Merlin said quietly while scrunching up his face.

End of chapter 5. Sorry it's short but or well.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 03, 2013 ⏰

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