Chapter 1

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Picture of Bri above

"Bri Warren get your ass out of bed you lazy butt... if you didn't drink so much tequila last night you would have been up by now. Class starts in 30 minutes and I doubt your dressed or awake for that matter," my roommate and best friend Ryen yelled at me.

I groaned and checked my phone. It was only 7:45 and class doesn't start til 9. "Lying ages you prematurely Ry Ry and besides I didn't even drink that much last night. 7 shots of tequila is hardly anything. Besides how much moonshine did you and Draco get into? Well between lip locks that is."

She stomped into my room while brushing her teeth and glared at me."You're just bitter that Draco's hot and you haven't gotten any in forever. Now get up and shower, you smell and you're hair is gross. Also you know that I loathe the name Ry Ry so stop it."

"Not everyone can be a babeshow like you Ry Ry," I said winking at her while I got out of bed. She flipped me the bird and walked out. She really is a babeshow. She's 5'6 with long, curly brown hair and eyes that switch between hazel and blue depending on her mood. Her skin was a perfect tan colour that wasnt fake and she didnt need to sit in the sun for hours to get it. She's absolutely gorgeous and she and Draco go together perfectly. Draco Price was 18 and was 6'2ish with a permanent tan with bright green eyes and dark brown hair. He was also the lacrosse and rugby start and as I've heard from Ryen he has an amazing eight pack. So yeah they were basically a perfect couple and they looked hot as hell together.

But anyway I digress. I grabbed a towel and my phone and headed to the bathroom. I switched on This is Gospel by Panic at the Disco and jumped into the ice cold shower squealing briefly at the temperature but washing my hair in hot water is a no go. My hair is purple and blue as Ryen and I just dyed it and I don't want it to fade any time soon. My hair reaches my hips so it takes a ridiculously long time to wash so by the time I was barely rinsing the conditioner out I was given a 20 minute warning by Ryen. I jumped out the shower and attempted totowel dry my hair realizing at the last moment I seriously f!cked up. My hair is curly and knots if I look at it the wrong way so towel drying is a huge nono. Screw it. I threw it up in a quick bun and ran to my bedroom to find clothes. I grabbed a pair of black skinny jeans and a white crop top with my glow in the dark unicorn socks. And I searched for a a bra and panties to wear but quickly gave up and just grabbed a bra. It felt like a commando day anyway. I shrugged my way into my skinny jeans and bra and then ran down the stairs trying to put my top on. I slipped and fell down the last few steps on the account I'm a total klutz but hey everyone has their quirks.

I found my black stiletto booties which are my most favourite shoes in the world as they are comfy as hell and take my usual 5'2 height to an almost 5'6 height and put them on, making sure I tightly tied the neon pink and yellow laces as I almost had a mishap the other day. Standing up I caught the cereal bar hat Ryen threw at me and headed for the door.

I walked to the car which is a black 2012 Mustang and slide into the passenger seat. I pull down the mirror and stared at the face looking back at me. My face is pale and freckle covered. My eyes are light blue and I have turquoise over sized glasses as I'm as blind as a mole on a sunny day. I have little to no eyebrows as both they and my eyelashes are blond. My lips are full and a pale pink colour. O shit I didn't put makeup on!

"Hey ummm Ryen I kinda forgot to put makeup on do you have any on you love bug?" I will totally admit when it comes to leaving the house without mascara, eyeliner and lipstick. She looked over at me and grinned. "Of course I don't Bri but if you look in the glove box you'll probably find everything out need."

I seriously love this chick. She plans ahead and she's saved my ass so many times from me looking like an idiot. She's been my best friend forever which is part of the reason why we live together besides the fact we hate our parents with a passion. I'm 18 and she's 17 but we've been friends forever. She's more of a hidden rebel while I don't bother hiding it. She had her tongue and God knows what else pierced before me while I mostly held her hand a shut my eyes really tight when she got them done. I'm kind of a wuss when it comes to other people getting piercings and tattoos by that's just the kind of person I am. I only have my tongue pierced and my hair dyed and that it.

"Bri... Bri... Bri!"

"Huh what!" I snapped out of my daze and looked at my bestie trying to figure out what she's doing. "If ou hadn't noticed we parked like 5 mins ago and class starts in 10 and you have no make up on yet."

"O shit sorry boo I was kind of lost in my thoughts again." She got out of the car and headed for the school after laughing at me. I quickly put my makeup on and chased after her. I caught up to her at our lockers finding her in an intense make out session with Draco. I roles my eyes and grabbed my books for my grade 12 English and mathematics classes and waited for them to come up for air. The bell rang and they jumped apart. Ryen giggled and looked over and I just laughed. "Really guys there are such things as I don't know ummm... oh back seats of cars, janitors closests and empty classrooms. How many PDA slips do you have? I think it's up to maybe 13 at least." She rolled her eyes at me and dragged me towards English. "I might have PDA slips but you have more suspensions for fighting so you are worse of then I am." I shrugged at her, honestly it's true and I'm not gonna deny it as there's no point in lying.

We got to class to see Merida Blake surrounded by her cronies talking about last night's party and how she apparently totally owned it. Merida Blake is as fake as it gets. She looks like a Barbie that a 3 year old coloured on and her DDDs were fake as f!cked. And in her 3 inch heels shes an easy 4 inches taller than me.I rolled my eyes and tried to sneak by her.

"Awww look it's the wannabe punk girl," she said while glaring at me.

"Aww look it's the wannabe slut... O wait a minute you are a slut."

"Whatever freak." I was reaching for her when Ryen pulled me back as our teacher Mr. Wallace walked by us. I winked at Merida and walked into class to get to my seat at the back. Ryen followed my as we shared a desk. "Bri you shouldn't fight with her. She's crazy and you've already had a fight with her this week. Let's play it safe. Please for me," she said while giving me puppy dog eyes.

"Alright alright don't look at me like that.... I'll behave and I won't fight with her." She looked at me with a smile and I smirked back. I looked up to the front of the class and I watched as the most amazing guy I have ever seen walked into class. He was pure perfection; tall, dark haired and with piercing blue eyes. He was wearing tight black jeans and a dark blue t-shirt. He has two tattoo sleeves and damn his arms are fine.

"Class this is our new student Heath Roberts. Please make him feel welcomed. Heath
sit wherever you'd like."

"I have an extra seat if you let me sit in your lap," Merida yelled while fluttering her eyelashes. Honestly I though she was have a seizure.

"Uh Merida I can smell your herpes from here. Pretty sure he doesn't want them," I said while smirking at her.

"Ms. Warren that is enough out of my classroom and keep your disgusting comments to yourself."

"With pleasure Mr. Wallace I was worried about catching something from Merida anyway." I grabbed my books and walked out slamming the door behind me.

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