Chapter 2

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Picture of the lovely Ryen above

Normally I tried to be level headed but today was sadly not one of those days. I will totally admit that I'm slightly psychotic but somedays are worse than others and today is really not a good day. I headed to library where it was quiet enough for a quick nap before second period or even til lunch if I was super lazy. I made a little nest in a corner behind all the book shelves and tried sleeping but apparently that wasn't gonna happen anytime soon so I got my sketchpad and my ipod out. I quickly found my playlist that had Panic! at the Disco, Hinder and a few other favourites of mine and started drawing.

The bell for second period rang but quite honestly the thought of going to class and dissecting a frog grossed me out so I did what any level headed girl would do and skipped class yet again. Science and I just don't mix well at all. By the end of the hour and a half sit down I had finished my drawing and I was pretty damn proud of it. Except for the fact that anyone who saw would think I was a creepy stalker chick as I had accidently drawn Heath. In my drawing he was sitting at a desk looking at me over his shoulder, a leather jacket covering his back and arms. I drew him without a smile and a crinkle between his eyebrows. People say men can't be beautiful but Heath was. The lunch bell rang startling me from my thoughts.

I left the library and headed up the two flights of stairs to my locker to drop my stuff off. And I was lucky enough to yet again find Ryen and Draco in the liplock to end all liplocks. I also noticed our principal, Mr. Norris walking down the hallway giving out slips for detention. I booked my backside down the hallway and tore Ryen off Draco and pointed out the principal to her.

"Safety first children. Remember to look both ways before playing a gruesome game of tonsil hockey as some referees don't appreciate the lack of mouth guards," I said while dragging Ryen and Draco downstairs towards the cafeteria. We were already late for lunch and it was chicken ranch wrap day and they are beyond delicious.

"It wasn't even that bad Bri. You make it sound like we were grinding in the middle of the hallway which we weren't," Draco said while winking at Ryen. By this time we were finally in the cafeteria line and I was bouncing up and down waiting for my turn.

"Damn babe if you are that good at bouncing in heels I'd love to see you on my bed." I didn't even think about it and I just turned around swinging and I just happened to catch the sleaze ball in the jaw. The jaw happened to belong to the man whore of the school otherwise known as Michael Newton. Yeah sure he's hot with the blond f*ck boy haircut and his blue eyes and muscles and stuff but he and Merida are well known to have been bed buddies and I like being STD free.

"Mike you aren't my type and never will be my type so f*ck off. Next time I won't be as gentle and I'll ask Draco to kick your ass."

"You're a prude you know that right?" Quite honestly being called a proud didn't bother me much as well I am picky about who I sleep with but a girl has to be careful to not mess around with the creepy stalker kinds.

"Just because I'm not Merida DOES NOT mean I'm a prude. And honestly I heard you aren't that good in bed anyways. You last what 3 minutes maybe? Get out of my face before I lose my temper," and with that I marched up to the lunch lady and paid for my wrap and caramel milkshake and headed to our table.

When I finally got to the table most of my friends were already sitting and laughing. On one side there was the dynamic duo otherwise known as Christian and Robert who are the cutest gay couple I've ever met. Christian is 6 feet ish, has black hair and almost black eyes with a perma tan and he's a line backer in the football team whereas Robert is 5'10 and has strawberry blond hair with green eyes and is the water polo captain. Beside them were our resident Barbie and Ken, there names are seriously Barbara and Kenneth and they are both blond, blue-eyed and ridiculously good looking. And then on the other side was Ryen, Draco and little old me. I will admit that I'm kinda jealous that all my friends have partners and I'm single as hell but I'm used to it. I hate how clingy some people are in relationships and I like my own space but I would love to have someone other than my stuffed My Little Pony. Pathetic I know but Build-A-Bear is for everyone not just kids.

"Did you really need to hit him Bri? Like seriously you could have just told him off and given him the whole feminist schpeel you have memorized."

"Ryen it was ether I hit him or I get your boyfriend and his friends to deal with it. I'm tired of self righteous little boys thinking that it's appropriate to make comments like that to almost every girl they see. Besides I didn't even hit him that hard." It's honeslty not like I went all Mike Tyson on him. It was a single hit and it was only to make him get out of my space.

"I totally agree with Bri on this cuz like omg he's gross and I don't like him," Barbara said while snuggling into Kenneth. She's kinda of a ditz but she's a nice ditz and she, Ryen and I have been friends since first grade. While grinning at Ryen I took a massive bite out of my wrap and almost moaned. Like holy shit these wraps are heavenly and the milkshakes make it that much better. I quickly finished my lunch and burped in a very u ladylike way but then again just because I wear heels doesn't mean I have to act the part.

We sat and chatted til the end of lunch or rather until Merida decided to stand up on a table. Good lord what is it this time. Normally she praises her boyfriend of the week or announces that she's running for some pageant and/or school dance thing. I have absolutely not patience for her dramatics at the best of times and today is no different.

"I just want you all to know that im having a party this Friday night after the rugby get and you're all invited."

I looked at my friends and winked. Both Christian and Robert grabbed at me but I had already gotten up on the table and danced/ hopped to the other end of it while trig not to fall off. These were not practical shoes for this but what the hell. I get to rain on her parade and make people laugh. Well everyone but her groupies and teachers. This will definitely warrant me a detention but it's worth it in the end.

"Also at her party there will be a free subscription of how to get a map of where to go and how to get there as we all now Merida will need several tests by the end of the night along with her friends. Also condoms will be handed out at the door just for extra precaution as alcohol can make even a 1 look like a 10." At that point Kenneth had managed to almost grabbed me but only managed to untie my laces. I continued to prance around the table yelling obscenities about Merida and her party until I slipped on my laces and tumbled off the table to my imminent death.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 13, 2017 ⏰

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