Chapter 12

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*Updated, 2024 - not entirely edited.*

Helloooo, I apologize for the delay! I had to do some traveling, and then there were MULTIPLE tornadoes, so we went without power for a while ... then I got sick... on top of online college work. -twitches- But I am hereee, lmaooo. On a good note... we are good! Everything is good! :,)

I am unsure how I feel about this update right now ... however, we must continue!

Thank you once again for yalls undying support, you all are so amazingly kind. ;.; Thank you so so much.


I had explained the essential details to Tom in under three minutes, and with that- he understood. Well ... he understood enough that I wouldn't want him to cross any sort of boundaries regarding my friendship with Sam. However, it did take quite a few times to convince him that his cover wasn't blown and that I would come up with one hell of a good reason for why I was there.

I nearly convinced myself that I had already come up with a good reason, but as I sat here in Seth's black Mercedes - I was dumbfounded.

Dumbfounded, because the man beside me hadn't said a word since we left the venue.  The silence was deafening, pressing in on me from all sides - and the sleek interior of the car, with its fancy polished surfaces and a subtle hint of leather, only amplified it. I glanced sideways at him, and the embarrassing flashback of me acting as Serena came out to haunt me.

"Corpse or subject, and you can still see my ass through this dress - can you not?"

The remembrance of those haughty, vile words singed my ears... however, to my credit- that was before I knew who was behind the mask.

I continued to stare at him through my lowered eyelashes, trying to decipher this reality and his unreadable face. His hands clenched the wheel, steady - yet, his jaw was set in a hard line.

The city lights blurred past us, a kaleidoscope of colors reflecting off the car windows.

"So," Breaking the silence - I continue, "Are you Dylan's brother, uncle, dad - or what?"

He cut me a glare, before turning his attention back to the road.

"What do you think?" He muttered before continuing. "Neither." He squinted his eyes, the headlights before us highlighting the dark highway. "Unfortunately, he is my twin."

I raised my brows. And why hadn't this come up before?

Looking out of the passenger window, the palms of my hand come together -  a prayer position.

Then again, I just found out about a week ago that Sam had a boyfriend - so should I really be surprised?

Wait ... Hold the fucking phone...

"How old are you?"

The man beside me seemed far older than his twin - acted as such, at least. Yet Dylan... Dylan was in high school. He was supposed to be either 18 or maybe even 19, just like me. His playful, lustful, boyish self played the schoolboy part entirely too well... or was that on purpose?

"Jubilee.." he began, his voice low and menacing like before; as if we were in that back room again, as if ... these streetlights were like the overhead lights that created an aura of seduction as those women danced. The only thing that we were missing was the slow rhythmic beat of that eerie yet sensual song.

I wonder where those women were right now, if they were okay.

I blinked, snapping myself from the flashback.

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