Chapter 14

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*Updated 2024, not entirely edited.*

Helloo hello! I missed yall! <3

Quick shout outs...

TaintedBloodBooks , thank you so much for your abundant love!

@xTaintedSinner, thank you for being the last to comment, vote, and follow!

Lastly - I can't say it enough - but thank you everyone for your continued support!

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Thank you <33


"Naughty, naughty." He pushed off from the door frame then, eyes gleaming with a playful delight. He is definitely his brother's twin.

I stilled, my breath frozen in my chest before I slowly exhaled, "Sorry, I just couldn't sleep... and this room - something about it is -"

"Interesting?" A small smirk played on his lips, his green eyes landing on the desk behind me. Unconsciously, I take a step back, yet my gaze now fastened to his face. He blinked at the globe, then at the papers that lay beside it.

"Something like that," I replied, my voice a note above a whisper. He stepped further into the room, his presence commanding the moonlight that shined down from the window above ... yet, it was somehow reassuring. Not intimidating, not as imposing as his twin. Maybe it was the boyish way that his hair was tousled, or the way he barely seemed to tense. There were no dramatic pauses with him, at least not at this moment. Completely unlike the persona he wore at school before.

"I suppose that promised explanation is due, right about now." He gave a small smile, waving me to sit down in the chair.

I wordlessly follow his direction and quietly finding the chair - then fold my hands in my lap. And that's when I suddenly remembered that I was still in this damned dress... Now sitting as proper as any royal, wrapped up in tight lace with my undergarments on display.

"You're right; that explanation is definitely due right now." I sighed, my cheeks beginning to heat at my next question. "But before you do that ... can I borrow some clothes?"

He tilted his head to the side, his gaze roaming boredly over my attire - before it settled back onto my face. Was... he relishing in my discomfort?

"I guess that's a reasonable request," he replied, "though, wouldn't it seem improper for you to be in my clothes- with me dating your best friend and all?"

He was right; it would be extremely inappropriate. I stared down at my clasped hands, feeling a tidal wave of heated embarrassment as it drainrd from my cheeks down to my neck. Stuck between the humiliation of that question and what I wore... Which was worse? And what was I thinking, asking to borrow his clothes? Yet, in this place - with its secretive aura, propriety seemed like a distant concern at the moment.

Maybe that is why I felt so off-balance...because nothing about this is normal. Actually - it felt as though I stepped into a dream; where the rules of reality didn't apply. But... even in this dreamlike reality, I had to remember the boundaries of the real world.

I looked up at him, forcing a small smile on my face. "You are absolutely right," I nodded, "I shouldn't have asked you that." Suddenly standing, I take a step forward and head towards the hallway. "Actually, I am sure Seth wouldn't mind if I-"

"He's probably knocked out already. Just sit down and I'll find you something."

A brow now raised, I pause mid-step; his words halting my retreat. I look to face him again, half-expecting to see him eyeing me like usual. Yet now he didn't. Instead, he kept his eyes on the moonlight above us, scratching at the scruff that bordered his jawline.

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