Chapter 14

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A/N the support i get from you guys is unreal, honestly thank you so much! if it weren't for your constant comments/reads/votes i wouldn't have continued with this story so thanks!!


Harry's P.O.V

It was time.

We were all getting prepared to go and save the girls. We know their location.

and funnily enough it's only a few miles away.

The girl's are still in Australia, but not in Sydney.

Beth's spoken to management, luckily Simon understood everything and we have another 3 weeks free.

That will give us enough time to rescue the girls, defeat Skylar and that evil old man. Get the girl's home safe and plan my future with Karalynn.


I missed her and i prayed that she was safe.

"Harry you ready?" Liam asked.

"As ready as i'll ever be" I replied smiling.

"I worked it out, it should take approximately 2 hours and 15 minutes to get there" Beth replied.

"Well look at you smarty pants!" Louis chimed. Beth laughed in response. I smiled, it was good to see the old Louis back.

"Well, let's go kick some butt!" Niall shouted high fiving Zayn.

"haha! you said butt!" Louis replied. I rolled my eyes and smiled as i patted him on the back.

"Let's go buddy" I said as we began to walk out of the front door.


Skylar's P.O.V

My plan was working, the "clones" will all die and the "original" shall create more.

I was glad that nobody knew my secret.

I was the original.

You're probably sat there wondering how? what? when?

I'll explain it to you in a flashback.


I was 2 years old, i wasn't living a normal life but i knew that i was different from everyone else.

I was a clone.

I had been held in some sort of prison for all of my life, trapped there with 4 other girls.




and Amy.

My name, was Anabel.

"Daddy! Daddy!" i looked over to see Skylar. The daughter of the guy who was keeping us here.

We looked alike, although she had nothing to do with the cloning.

But they always say, there are 7 other people in the world that look like you, and she was one of them.

That night a lot of men broke into the place and began to steal everything. The evil man ran so he wasn't caught. But us clones were being stolen.

This is when my idea sprung to mind.

I knew that one day the evil man would return.

and kill each and everyone of the clones. I didn't want to die.

Each of us had wristbands, with our names on. I swapped mine with Skylar's and told her to run up to one of the guys who was stealing everything.

I told her she would be safe.

Us clones may not have been old, but we were smart. However she chose to believe me and was Taken.

Me on the other hand, i followed the evil man, and ever since he has believed i was his daughter.

But i was not, i was his project.

and if he ever found out.

I would be dead in a heartbeat.


Okay so this was just a short update, it was just to explain Skylar's situation.

I hope you're all up to date and not confused haha!

if you are, just message me

Anyway, the next chapter will be longer and i know you'll like it!


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