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Dannyboy: Phil I know you're reading these so whatever problem you have you need to suck it up and tell me because I am so confused rn

Philthelion: Don't act all innocent Dan! You know what you did!

Dannyboy: I'm sorry but I don't know

Philthelion: You can't just tell me to stop texting you and then act like nothing happened

Dannyboy: I didn't tell you to stop texting me

Philthelion: Yeah you did

Dannyboy: when

Philthelion: Like a few days ago

Dannyboy: like four to be precise?

Philthelion: yeah I guess what does that have to do with anything Dan?!

Dannyboy: God I'm going to kill him

Philthelion: Huh?

Dannyboy: Pj was over that day and he probably got to my phone and saw our convos

Philthelion: Why do you stay with someone like that

Dannyboy: you say that just because you want to get with me

Philthelion: no I say this out of my pure concern. You should drop him I don't even care if I get anything out of it

Dannyboy: I'll just talk to him

Philthelion: okay. Make good choices

Dannyboy: Ok dad

Philthelion: it's daddy to you 😉

Dannyboy: shut up

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