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The year 2100 brought many problems with it. In fact, it was the year that just about everyone was sure that the world would end. And it did. Almost.

It wasn't just a quick explosion. Because if it were, Earth would have disappeared in the blink of an eye, with no time for its people to save it. What a shame that would have been. Well, the story began with a storm. A storm so lengthy and unpredictable, one that took the lives of many. Much less people were killed than expected, though, even with homes becoming engulfed in flames every few minutes, and powerful saltwater rushing up the slopes of mountains as if they were flat ground. The harsh weather came in parts--over the course of ten days and ten nights. First came the day of fire, volcanoes that were dormant before erupting, lava taking out everything in its path. That was the most deadly twenty-four hours. But at nightfall, there were no souls ascending into the smoke-filled sky--nobody had passed away.

After that came the flood. The water extinguished the fire, yet brought its own danger. Ocean waves crashed over hills, and destroyed entire cities. Similar to the day before, no deaths were reported when the moon rose. The exact same thing happened on the next eight days, but with different natural disasters striking. Wind, causing tornadoes and hurricanes. Land, earthquakes and plants--weeds growing in all directions, their thorn-covered stems wrapping around humans who happened to walk by. Sunlight, blinding many pairs of eyes. Radiation, hazardous energy emitted from an unknown origin. Snow and ice, blizzards colder than imaginable. Poison, chemicals that several of the world's inhabitants breathed in. Darkness, which caused several mishaps due to the inability to see the view ahead. Last but not least, electricity. Electric currents running through people's bodies, and lightning striking. But in each part of the huge storm, as mentioned before, nobody was killed after the stars came out. Although you may think otherwise, there is a reason why.

At ten-o-clock p.m every night of the storm, one Earth Child was born. Those children were very thin and frail, most suffering disease--with hardly a chance of living. However, each one was granted a different ability, and that power was based off of what happened on their date of birth. For example, one born on the second day of the storm would have the ability to control and manipulate the tide. When the storm passed, leaving everybody pleasantly surprised, the children were discovered and captured by the Government. That was when the Earth Children Project, a top-secret foundation built solely to preserve and contain them, was created. Each kid was given a first and middle name--yet no last name, since they were born from the storm and not an actual mother.

The ECP was for a good cause, until the owner of the business was murdered by a group of ability-seeking rebels, as the man was in the way when they tried to steal the children.

Years later, the ECP laboratory's staff started to break their promise, to be kind and caring toward the kids, and the quarantine became more of a prison. The Earth Children, currently teenagers all the same age, undergo extremely risky procedures daily, and are held captive for their abilities to keep the planet alive. The ECP isn't exactly evil, but things have almost gotten to the point where the teens would rather die and end the world, than have to worry about saving the cruel, hell-like place. For a while, they thought the scientists were their parents, but they've become less impressionable over the last fifteen years. Now, they know that their lives are missing one thing. It's freedom, the permission to escape from the laboratory's eerie emptiness.

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