Chapter 7: Anna Returns Home

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Anna arrives into the hallway that leads into heaven she notices a group of angels gathered ahead of her protecting the gate. She knows she has to find another way in. As she starts to look around to try and find another way in the ground starts to open up by her feet. She starts to travel down the hole as she gets down as far as it leads the ground above her closes back up and small lights lit up all around leading down a path. She walks cautiously not knowing what is lurking around the bend or if it is a trap made by her family to get control of the box. She gets to the end of the path but there was no exit anywhere that she is able to see. Dirt started to lightly fall on her shoulder, and on her hair she looks up she can see the ground above her opened up and the vines were coming out for her to climb out of the hole.

She slowly climbs up and quietly moves her head to see if anyone was up there waiting for her. What she could see there was no one there so she climbed out of the hole and look around. The room was a park with people flying kites, running and playing with dogs, and having picnics. As she starts to walk around to figure out how she can get to the library the hole in the ground closes up. As she walks around she heads towards the forest then out of nowhere a she feels a hand grabbing the back of her shirt and pulls her backwards. She flies fast going through a tree. Anna gets up slowly and pulls out her sword and looks around "I don't know who you are but I don't want to kill you because if whoever you are if you get in my fucking way of my quest I will kill you." A voice from a distance says "Anna you know you aren't supposed to be here now. Why aren't you with those precious humans that you spent mostly all your life with instead of your family. Heaven isn't the same anymore, and you don't belong here." From a distance behind a tree out walks the archangel Metatron with a young girl beside him.

Anna points her sword at him "Look Metatron I don't want to fight you I really don't want to kill any of my family, but I will if it means protecting the box and the nephilim. So please my brother I am pleading with you to leave so I can finish what I need to do and get back to those humans that your kind look down on." Metatron pulls out his sword and walks up to her sternly and takes his sword and knocks her sword down and points his at her throat. "Don't ever think to assume you know me and how I feel about humanity. Please don't get me wrong I have nothing but respect for you and what you are doing even though our family believes the person you are protecting shouldn't be alive. I want to help you in your mission this is Mary she is a special king of human that will lead you to the library. Be careful no one is sure how many and who the rebel angels are or even whom they are working for." Anna bows to Metatron and apologizes for accusing him and thanks him for his help. Mary walks up to her and smiles and takes Anna hand.

The girl takes Anna down a hidden path Anna asks Mary "Why are you so special little one. How long have you known Metatron?" She starts to giggle and replies "I only know Metatron a couple of days it was the archangel Gabriel who saved me from being captured by demons. He gave me orders and told me to stay with Metatron for the time being till everything was back in order up here." Anna stops and looks puzzled "What do you mean captured by demons? Do you mean on earth?" Mary puts her head down and shakes her head no "I am afraid not they broke through heaven's gate. What I heard when the angels were talking that they were after the weapons in the vault and me. The reason they want me is because I am the oldest person in the library reading all the prophecies, and scriptures. Gabriel and Michael and a couple of angels fought them, but unfortunately it was only Michael and Gabriel that survived. I hate to do this but this is where I leave you all you have to do is go through that hallway to the first door on the left. That will take you to the backdoor into the library I wish you luck and I would like to say I hope not to see you again but I have a feeling that I will." Mary gives Anna a big hug for luck.

Anna walks down the hallway and sees the first door that Mary was talking about she walks inside and sees the library was destroyed. She was in shocked this is the place that holds all that knowledge and history and power and it looks like most of it is gone for good. She starts to look around through the rubble to see if she can find the spell she needed to help her with her quest. From a distance she can hear the door creaking as she hears someone about to walk in. She quickly hides behind one of the book shelves that was still intact and starts to look around to see if there was a better place to hide. Anna peeks her head through the shelves to see who was walking in and she sees that it was Gabriel with another angel. She couldn't make out what they were talking about she can only hear only small bits and pieces of the conversation. Then she saw Gabriel grabbed the other angel and threw him across the room and then pulls out his sword. "Who is leading the rebel angels with Lucifer?" Gabriel shouts at him. The angel won't talk all he did was laugh a little then he says to Gabriel "Why are you doing this you know that I follow you and only you. We will take back heaven no matter the cost and get back our creator with all his love where we are loved more before the humans." Gabriel looked puzzled he then takes his blade and notices that the angel was going for his halo he then took his sword and cuts off the traitors head. Gabriel sits down and tries to figure out what is going on here, and how many rebel angels are there, and what are they up too. As Anna was trying to move to a safer place a book fell on the ground she looks down and closes her eyes as she holds her breath hoping that Gabriel didn't hear her. She quietly starts to move and looks up and then sees the archangel standing in front of her. Anna quickly pulls out her sword and swings it at Gabriel he blocks her attack. She swings again down to the left he pulls his sword up to block her from hitting him. As Gabriel speaks with struggle in his voice "Why are you doing this Anna? You are supposed to be with my son. You are working with my brother aren't you? Is he dead what did you do to him what are your plans bitch?" He thrusts his palm into her chest pushing her backwards. He then starts to swing down at her as she ducks and starts to run up the steps as the two of them keep swing their swords at each other. He swings from the side to her feet she jumps up and back on the steps. She then swings her sword at him towards his head he ducks as she cuts the painting on the wall in half. She gets to the top of the stairs as Gabriel follows they continue fighting on the balcony. He thrust his sword towards her stomach she rotates her sword down in a circle motion blocking the attack. He then kicks her in the mid section she flies back into the book shelves knocking them down. He points his sword down at her "I will not allow you to corrupt my son and destroy the planet and heaven." Anna looks around and found a book she picked up real quick as Gabriel brings his sword back down she raises the book and a blast shoots the two of them back. She looks at the book the words said The Meaning of the Word. Anna grabs her sword and charges Gabriel and their swords clashed again as she pushes him back to the ivory banister. Anna looks at Gabriel straight in his eyes "I am on your son's side it's you that betrayed him and sent that angel to kill him and his friend. I won't let you destroy the world the humans are our father's plan for them is to important." The ivory banister starts to crack then it breaks with the two of them falling to the ground hard. Gabriel gets up before Anna she was too busy pulling out a piece of ivory out of her back. As she grabbed her sword as she gets back on her knees she sees the tip of the sword pointing at her heart. She looks up slowly and sees Gabriel holding it down at her. With blood dripping off her face and down her back she drops her sword and holds her arms out to the side waiting for him to drive his sword into her heart. She says "Before you kill me please promise me that you won't kill your own son he is going to need you." She closes her eyes and waits for the final blow next thing she sees as she reopens her eyes is his hand in front of her face. She looks up at him he says to her "I don't ever want to hurt my son I didn't send no angel to try and kill him or his best friend. I am being set up by the leader of the rebel angels." She takes his hand as he pulls her up and removes the ivory sticking in her back and heals her. They both pulled up a chair and sat down in them each grabbing a different body part in pain.

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