Chap. 2: Bullies, Boys, and Brownies

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I woke up again. Suprise, suprise. 

"Get out of bed, you rat." my mother said, with a nasty tone and hate in her eyes

"Okay, Macy." I replied back. Macy is my mother's name (obviously). I never call her "ma" or "mommy". Never ever. She isn't my mom, or at least, she doesn't act like one. A mother would never refer to their twelve-year-old as "rat". She doesn't deserve the title as a mother.

I quickly stripped and stepped into the warm water of the shower. The shower was a but dirty, considering Macy never took the time to wash it, but at least it worked. I stepped out of the warm water, and turned it off. I then dried off, brushed my hair, and dressed. I dont put a heavy matter of thought into my clothing. I slipped on my undergarments, zipped up a pair of slightly faded and torn skinny jeans, a blue t-shirt, and a pair of knock-off black toms with a patched up hole in the back.

"Get in the bus, rat." My mother smapped as a picked up my backpack and lunchbag.

"Heh, love you too Macy." I muttered sarcastically as I walked up towards the bus.

"Morning Macy." Called out the kind bus driever, Penny. Penny was basically my only friend, She was such a light-hearted and caring person.

"Oh, hello Penny." I replied kindly, while taking my seat on the bus. I could feel eyes watching me, like lazer beams, almost drilling a hole in me. Well, some were looking in dhatred, and some in interest. I don't really talk to people, Im very antisocial but a lot of boys like me, for some reason. All the boys in my class seem to stop and stare when I pass by. I dont know why anyone would want to date me, though. Im not such a prize.

I lightly giggled at the thought of all those boys dressed up like a mariachi band, all trying to seranade me, while singing "Fienna, fienna, so pretty, so fine. Fienna, fienna, what would it take for you to be mine?"

"Hey, whats so funny Fienna?" Called out Nate from a few seats ahead of me. Nate was the popular boy in school. He seemed to like me too, but Im not really interested i the whole "true love" propaganda. Its just some stupid lie made up by society. He came and sat next to me as I sat in an empty bus seat.

"Um... nothing." I replied, looking partially annoyed

"Hey, cmon! Whats so funny?" He repeated, slightly giggling "Whats in that oretty little head of yours?" 

I rolled my eyes "Not much in this empty black hole. Could you um, go away?" I pointed to the place where he was sitting, next to another popular boy named Ricky.

"Sorry for your troubles, madam." He replied in a french accent, as he kissed my hand and giggled a bit. "I best be going?" He said, as he walked back to his seat. Just as he looked over back at me, I pretended to gag, and I wiped my hand on the side of my shirt, just below my armpit.

The bus ride that seemed like it went on for eternity, finally stopped. I enterd the school, opened my locker, and grabbed a few textbooks. As I walked down the orange-walled hallway decorated with or football team, the panthers, a blonde-haired menace tripped me. Lina Parello. Lina has been my sworn enemy since day one, so I could basically give you a play-by-play of what's about to happen.

"Oh, oops!" she giggled out sarcastically. 

"Asshole." I shot back, as I got up and grabbed my books.

"Excuse me?" She yelled, unhappily. She grabbed another girl's water bottle and poured it over my head.

"Oh My-!" I yelled out. I ran away, leaving my things on the floor. I sped outside under the bleachers of the miniature sized football feild. Did I cry? No. I have never cried in my life, and I never want to. Weak-links cry. Im not weak, and I will never be caught crying. I never really show much emotion at all. I have never truly laughed. I may have giggled, or let out a slight chuckle, but I have never really laughed.

I stayed there, under the bleachers. I just stared at the sky and wished one of the oversized, puffy clouds would come down and whisk me away. Somewhere with no Macy. No Lina. No Nate. All of a sudden, I heard a voice. That oh-so familiar voice.

"Hello?" Said the voice. And, what do you inow? Its the boy who ruined my hideout. The brown-eyed lucious-haired devil.

"Oh my gosh. What now...." I replied , sounding very annoyed. Then he sat down. Again with the intruding..

"Im Luke." He replied, as if I seemed totally fine with the situation. He shot his hand out for me to shake. I pushed it away, again.

"And, Im looking to be alone. Again." I shot back

"Well, I guess you're gonna be alone with me." He giggled out.

"Ill take the offer up later. Maybe, in nine years when you won't know me anymore. Then, maybe you'll hush!" I yelled back, as I got up and ran away. The rest of the day was the simple day-to-day average school day. Well, except at the end of the day. We had an ice cream party because it was the last day of school.


"Ahhh, finally where Im supposed to be" I exclaimed, as I threw some leaves into the air at my secret hideout. 

"You know what would make this place even better? A great treehouse right up in this tree!" I exclaimed happily as I pointed at the huge oak tree with my tire swing attached to it. I was just so excited for summer break.

"Yeah definetly." Said Luke. He suprised the hell out of me!

"Dude! Stop doing that to me!" I said angrily. I noticed he had a medium-sized Publix bag in his left hand. It was tied with a blue ribbion that had light- purple lining.

"Sorry." He said, kindly as he outstretched his left arm and handed me the bag. "Its for you." 

"A-a gift? What is it?" I replied back, shockingly.

"Open it up." He told me, with a slight smirk. I opened up the bag, and it was full of freshly-baked brownies with fudge on top. They were moist, so they didnt crumble in the bag.

"Wow. Awesome! Thanks a lot." I replied back, with a smile on my face. 

"I guess I should lea-" He began saying, but I put a brownie in his mouth before he ended his sentence.

"No, why dont you stay and have a few with me?" I said happily.

"Okay, sure!" He said, with brownie in his mouth. I sat down on my leaf bed and patted it as a motion for him to sit with me. He sat down and we started eatig  the brownies.

"Im Fienna by the way." I told him, to break the silence.

"Thats a really cool name." He replied back.

"Thanks, Luke." I smiled, and quickly thought of an idea. "Hey, wanna go swimming in the river?"

"I would, but my swimming trunks are back home. I live a couple houses doen, and now's not the nest time for me to go home.

I started to pulled a pair of swimming trunks and a black one-peice bathing suit. "Me and my best friend Oliver used to swim here, it was our little fortress." I said with a slightly sad face, as I handed Luke the swimming trunks.

"Well, what happened to him?" Luke curiously asked.


Hey guys! I spiced things up a bit, so the story would be more interesting. Are there any P.O.V.'s you'd like to see? We can do Macy, Luke, or Lina. Come back tomorrow to see who I picked!

-Alexis ❤️

P.S. Love you. :*

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