Chapter 10: You are not alone

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Naji: Watari-san here sensei wants you to have this
Shinji: What is this?
Naji: These are lecture notes for the days that you were absent
(Kazuma enters)
Kazuma: Ohayo gozaimasu!!
All: Ohayo sensei!
Kazuma: Oh! Watari-san welcome back. Did you receive the lecture notes
Shinji: Arigatou sensei
(After class Kazuma was about to walk home then he saw Shinji)
Kazuma: Watari-san
Shinji: Will you please stop it!! I appreciate the kindness but you are so annoying
Kazuma: Look I see myself in you and same goes with my wife. I know exactly what you are going through.
Shinji: No!! You don't!! You wanna know my story fine I'll tell after this stay away from my personal life
Kazuma: I am willing to listen
Shinji: The truth is I transfer from one school to another. My parents are workaholics. My mother is a doctor while my father is an attorney they barely had time for me then I met my friends and they accepted me for who i am. So that's it! Now can I go home!!
Kazuma: Surely your are not going home! You are going to meet up with your so-called friends am I right?
(Shinji clenched his fist)
Shinji: Teme!! Urusai!!! You don't know how I feel so stop feeling sorry about me! Coz im not
Kazuma: You are not alone. I am  curious about you! And i know i can help you
Shinji: Please just stop you don't know who you are messing with! I am not like you and your wife who can easily change. You two had something that I never had!!!
(Shinji glared at Kazuma and turned around. Kazuma was shocked with all the hatred and anger that Shinji felt)

(Fumino is busy folding Kazuma and Teppei's clothes)
Fumino: Oh! Hani! What happen you look exhausted
Kazuma: Shinji...-
Fumino: That kid again.. i told you to stop forcing yourself to help him coz he doesn't what to be helped.
Kazuma: Maeda sensei helped me and I helped you but actually you end up helping me.. so..
Fumino: I think it would be best if you stay out of his life for awhile. He is just a kid that is confused with everything around him
Kazuma: You are right
(It has been a week and Shinji never showed up)
Kazuma: Teppei... goodluck in taking your exams okay
Teppei: Arigatou Ma-kun
(Kazuma hugged Teppei and then his phone rings)
Kazuma: Moshi moshi!!
Ryu: Ma-kun..
Kazuma: Ryu? Nande?
Ryu: Is Fumino-san with you?
Kazuma: No she is at home
Ryu: I am at your apartment right now and no one is here and she even left the door open
Kazuma: Nani? Wait I'll go there
(Kazuma called the principal and told him that there was an emergency and then he rushed home)
Kazuma: Ryu!
Ryu: Ma-kun I searched everywhere I checked in the suppa, in the park and even in the playground
Kazuma: Where is she?
Ryu: Don't you think someone took her?
Kazuma: I'll try to call her... its ringing but she's not answering it
Ryu: What was she doing when you left her?
Kazuma: She was ironing my pants then i kissed her and left
Ryu: Who do you think kidnapped her?
Kazuma: I don't know but I having a feeling that Shinji is up to this
(Kazuma and Ryu went to the computer shop and at the back was Shinji and his gangs hideout)
Shinji: Well, well it took you long before you knew it was me!!!
Kazuma: Teme!! Give me back my wife!!
Ryu: Can't you see Fumino-san is pregnant!!!
Hiromasa: We know she is pregnant.. look we are not killers nor thieves...
Akio: We just want you to stay away from our friend
Kenji: He is not bothering you so don't bother him too!!
Kitoshi: Sensei... just let him be
(Kazuma clenched his fist and glared at Shinji)
Kazuma's POV
I remember this senario with Maeda-sensei.. i never thought that it would happen again but this time to the one I love. This kid don't understand it!!
Fumino: Will you please let go of me? You children are getting on my nerves!!
(Fumino is struggling to remove the rope tied in her hands and feet)
Shinji: Sorry sensei unless your husband stop bugging me... you will not be free
Kazuma: Haven't I told you that you and I are alike?
Shinji: We are not alike! I heard that you are the head of a gang, you did had problems with your father but I had problems on both... you found love with your student even though you thought you were doing it to help her!! Now she is your wife!
Kazuma: How did you know all this?
Shinji: I am the nephew of your former guidance counselor
Ryu: Ehh??? Ma-kun that means
Kazuma: That old man doesn't know how to shut his mouth up.
Shinji: So stop fixing won't change anything! My whole life is already a wreck! And do not wish to be fixed
Kazuma: You know what's your problem. You don't have LOVE!! Your parents are too busy they hardly have time for you. Your uncle teaches you bad things. You deprive yourself to other people who wants to help you! So you decided to stay in a corner and smoke cigarettes hoping that one day everything would be fine. Honestly your classmates wants to be friends with you!! You we're the one not letting them!
(With those words Shinji started to cry and he wiped it immediately)
Shinji: I was afraid... afraid that my classmates would not like me because I would always transfer schools. I didn't want to get close because I will surely miss them. You are right! I am sorry sensei!
Kazuma: It's okay can I have my wife back?
Kitoshi: Oh no!! Sensei you wife is bleeding!!!!
Kazuma: Fumino!!!! Fumi-
(Kazuma carried his unconscious wife then Ryu drive the car to the nearest hospital. Shinji came too)
Kazuma: Doctor how is my wife?
Doctor: It's a good thing your wife is strong even though her pregnancy is sensitive
Ryu: Well is the baby alive?
Doctor: No worries your babies are alive Ojiro-san
Kazuma: Babies?
Doctor: Oh you didn't know your babies are fraternal twins
Ryu: Twins!! Ma-kun congratulations
Kazuma: Twins!! I can't believe it!!
(Shinji is waiting outside the room)
Shinji: How is she?
Kazuma: Lucky for you the babies are alive
Shinji: Babies?
Kazuma: They are twins!!
Shinji: Sorry sensei..
Kazuma: It is okay make sure you go to school tomorrow. If you want you can invite your friends to school anytime. Maybe on our school festival.
Shinji: Arigatou sensei
(Shinji hugged Kazuma tightly then Fumino woke up calling Kazuma)
Fumino: Hani!!! Hani
Kazuma: Hani!! Our babies are safe
Fumino: I know but why is that kid still here?!
Kazuma: Now calm down
Fumino: That kid almost-
Ryu: Fumino-san relax you will be having twins
(Upon hearing those words)
Fumino: Nani? Twins? Hani!!
(She started to cry. Then Kazuma told Shinji to go home)
Shinji: Sensei your wife is kinda moody no offense
Kazuma: I'm used to it. If you ever fall inlove you will love her even though there are times when you don't understand her.
Shinji: Arigatou sensei.

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