Lemonze's hyposthesis

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Lemonze: I have been 'aving ze thoughts...
Minkley: Well that's new...
Lemonze: Zilence infireor human *throws a lemon at Minkley*
-Minkley has died-
Lemonze: Az I voz saying, I have been having ze thoughtz!
Me: is this going to be another book idea.
Lemonze: non! I vas vondering, if ze Sky ist blue, zen WAI iz et yellue?
Everyone: *mind blown*
Lemonze: Zats vat I SED! But zen I vondered, If America ist unit New vorld, zen Bai can how can you call ze American Facebook ueld!?
Federico: ¿¡Quen dice Eso?! Facebook Es Bæ!
Lemonze: Zilence! *kicks The argentine into oblivion.*
Me: none of this makes any- *is disconnected*
Lemonze: Zilence unsweetened scum! As I wiz zayingue! If ze biggest prize of all iz effort, vuai dosent ze losers of olympics hav ze medalz?
Everyone:*mind blown again.*
Le'Monze: Zat is WAI I should be president of ze USA!
Everyone: *claps*
Lemon Zitisen: Zat vos vea- beautiful!!

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 24, 2016 ⏰

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