Chapter 18:(Y/n),wake up

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You stared at Jeff's orbs while uncontrollably shaking your head,as your face too turned pale like his.
You were like a lost,weak puppy who was cornered by a way bigger (and most importantly way more dangerous ) beast.

With all your strength you had you managed to push him away with your leg as you then you clumsily stood up on your legs ,while you heard him sigh in annoyance before he snapped his fingers again and it was day once more.

"Go ahead.Run.Run as much as you want.Run wherever you want to.I'll always find you,no matter what.You understand me?" you stopped listening to what he was saying as you turned your head to where the school was and dashed off,leaving Jeff behind as all you heard was him shouting something at you.
You shut your eyes tightly as you kept running,every once and then glancing at the old building your school was that seemed to get further away from you...
"Was it another one of Jeff's tricks?" You wondered as you stopped under a tree catching your breath, wiping some sweat from your forehead and went back to running as finally the place you so hated came closer to your sight.
You ignored the stares from others and a snicker you got even from a teacher as you headed to your class and abruptly opened the door,sitting at the very bottom of the classroom.
You rested your head on the desk ,hugging your rockbag tightly to your chest and panting heavily.
"Miss (y/n)...?Are you ok?" You heard as you shot up your head and looked at your teacher who was sitting down and settling her stuff on her desk,as the lesson was just about to start

"Just a rough day..." You replied as you held your own hand and started stroking it,trying to calm yourself down.You took a hold of yourself as you put your copybooks on the desk,holding a pen and getting ready for the lesson.You shifted your eyes on the sky,listening to the peaceful sound of birds chirping as you then moved your gaze down to your hands.
"His hands..." you thought as you rubbed them once more "they were so cold....and his fingers so slender" you said in a whisper "even so,he had a tight grip on me.But I have to admit,even if he held me with all his force....his touch had a hint of gentleness ".
It was as if he didn't want to hurt you,just hold you close and never let you go...which is funny,considering he both wanted you dead and all to himself at the same time.You shook your head as the bell rang and other classmates sat down,pulling out their stuff and focusing their attention on the teacher who was waiting for them to quiet down.

"I wonder..." You said as you yawned softly while you slowly closed your eyes "I wonder if I'll ever get out of this situation alive.." you said as you held your head with one hand,slowly drifting off to sleep.

"..(y/n)?" you heard a voice saying softly as you narrowed your eyes slightly

"Miss (y/n) wake up,this is a school not your own room" it said.Oh fuck,did you really just fall asleep?

"I am so sorry miss it won't happen ever again" you said,struggling to open your eyes as your eyelids felt...heavy,almost.
You managed to focus your attention on your teacher with half lidded eyes as you sat up straighter and blinked a few times,adjusting your eyes to the light.

"It's just I haven't slept a lot..." You trailed off as the blurry surroundings came clearer and your teacher walked closer to your desk

"Don't worry miss (y/n)" you flinched back with your chair,not believing your own eyes as you just stared with a wide open mouth "I understand....I have had lots of terrifying nightmares too when I was young" you felt one hand under your chin as the person pushed it up a little,enough to close your mouth as they left a low chuckle.
"Why.Why did he want to torment my life to this point.Wasn't what he did enough?Wasn't playing and manipulating me as if I were some kind of doll enough for him?" you thought as you kept your gaze on him,your eyes slowly watering.
Maybe,killing yourself would have been the answer to all this.Maybe if you did,Jeff would find another victim to play with.

"What's wrong,miss (y/n)?" Jeff said as he pulled up the glasses he "borrowed" from your teacher,holding his knife in his hand. You ignored his question as you looked around the class,widening your eyes as the once happy and mindless students were now dead,still sitting at their respective places and all turned towards you,facing you with a terrifying ,disturbing smile...but that wasn't all,for there was carved "Go to sleep" on the chalkboard, and some stains of blood were splattered here and there.
Your attention was focused back on Jeff who grabbed your jawline and turned your head towards him.

"I said,what's wrong miss (y/n).You know you can tell your teacher whatever is in your mind " he said almost in a calming voice

"I just need to go to the toilet." You replied,playing along with him.Hell,this far standing against him never brought anything good, so maybe collaborating with him would have worked...?Well,technically I wasn't collaborating, I was pretending to.But since your choice of words seemed to relax him,you decided to keep on going with this little scene.

"Alright " he said as he let you go and went back to his chair "but be back soon" he added .
You nodded and stood up,moving your desk a bit aside as you walked right past all the corpses ,opening the door and dashing off to the toilets and locking yourself in it.
"Oh god what have I put myself into.." You asked yourself as you splashed your face with some water and took deep breaths

"(Y/n) calm down.All you have to do is be as quiet as possible and get out of here." You said as you unlocked the door and opened it,trying to make as few sounds as possible while you sneaked out of it and slowly walked to the nearby exit of the building.
You couldn't help but shiver as you hugged yourself and rubbed your arms,hopelessly trying to warm up your body .
It was cold.

Oddly cold.There was a eerie feeling in the air and the school was so...gloomy.

The sight of the door came into your view as you rushed to it and hopelessly pushed it ,trying to open it and get the fuck out of there.

Possibly alive.

You sighed and turned around,leaning against a wall as you heard a slow,but clear sound of footsteps approaching.You backed up and listened more carefully and froze,turning your head to the toilet and immediately dashing off to it.


There was someone.And it was heading right to you.

You were just about to open the door when you stopped on your tracks,hearing a deep low voice chuckling softly.

"I thought I told you to be back soon,miss (y/n)" it said.You gulped and looked down at your feet,speaking in a shaky voice.

"I-i was just about to go back in class" you said as you were forcefully turned around ,being greeted not only by the infamous killer but also by all the students of your class who gathered around and inched closer.
Even if they were dead,they somehow could move ...and see,which was disturbingly weird considering their eyes were gouged out.

"(Y/n)" Jeff said as he rose his arm up in the air before he slapped you on your cheek "wake up."

I am so sorry this is such a short and shitty chapter and I wanted to write way more but I am so tired also considering that today I had school (yes,we go on school during Saturdays too) so I hope I'll soon be able to write a new part of it

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