Chapter 6:The boy in the mirror

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You walked as fast as you could without looking back.You were too scared right now to care about the psychotic girl,all you had to do was bring Michael to the hospital where he could rest till his parents came.

"Don't worry Michael I am here for you" you said as you held him tightly giving him a soft,small smile "we can do it,I promise you you'll feel better" you said as you were now panting slowly.You weren't exactly used to carry people around,and with all the stuff that happened today....well,you were exhausted, but you had to make it.

"D-don't worry " Michael said as he coughed slightly.

"Don't worry???Michael you are beaten up and your mouth is bleeding pretty badly!" You stated as you furrowed your eyebrows at him.How could he be so childish,and kind towards you?He risked his life only to give a lesson to those bullies and protect you.

The sight of all that blood and of the girl struck you all of sudden.Oh God I just witnessed a murder.

"How am I going to explain to my mom all this?.." I asked myself as I finally eyed a bench and sat down on it next to Michael."Are you sure you don't want an ambulance?It will be here in few minutes you know" I said as I pulled out my phon-
Hold on.

Where was my phone?!I am sure I brought it with me this morning!
God damn it,I must have dropped it back on the toilets floor.

Michael tilted his head on his side as asking what was wrong ."I lost my phone." I bit my lip nervously "I am so sorry I can't call an ambulance nor anyone else now" I said while pinching my own arm.
How could I be so stupid?How didn't I even notice I lost my phone... Uhg,I am messed up.

"Don't worry,someone will bring it to you tomorrow" he said as he patted my back while taking his own phone "and I am not that bruised you know,I don't need no ambulance." he said pulling out the best smile he could "But.." His expression changed suddenly and he gave me a concerned look "what should we do about that insane girl...should we call the police?"

I shook my head slowly as the memory of the wide,bloody smile the girl made on her face flashed on my mind.

God,she was coming for me.I knew it.

"It's better if we just go back home for now...someone will find out sooner or later anyways."
If my mom found out I literally ran out of school with a psychopath....

Let's focus on something else now.Like walking Michael home and making sure he is ok,after all he lived close to me ,and we weren't that far away from his apartment."Let's go home Michael"I said as I stood up and held him by his arm.It was merely 10 a.m. and today was already hell...

Sometimes I wonder how it would feel to have a normal life.Wouldn't it be awesome to have friends and a caring family,instead of being made fun of and befriending a potential killer?Why couldn't I be like other people.




I snapped out of my thoughts as the huge block of apartments came in our view

Wow were we really that close to our neighborhoods?Well time passes by fast when-
You stopped right on your tracks as a sudden feeling hit you.It was cold.You were freezing.

"Michael aren't you cold?" You asked your friend as he gave you a skeptical look "(Y/n) it's august,I am almost melting"

The feeling of coldness grew further and further as you kept walking.

Hold on.

You quickly turned around and scanned my surroundings intently.

"Was someone just watching us?" You asked in a whisper as Michael looked at me with a confused look and spoke
"(Y/n) what's wrong?Why did we stop? "
"Oh nothing,sorry Michael" you said as you just ignored that feeling and kept walking towards the block of apartments.

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