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When asked about their earliest memory most people don't pin it down to just one memory, instead, they have a myriad of memories to tell of their earliest youth. But I'm sure of my first memory. It is, very familiar to me.

I was in a town, I can't say how I got there, or even if I had just woken up there. But all I knew is that I was there as if I had always been there. But no, I knew nothing of this place. I did not know how old or young I was, but I knew I was no one's child. Again, I knew I had no memory of ever seeing an infant, yet I knew what one was. 

The town itself was normal, I thought, the townsfolk were kind to me. They spoke to me in fondness. As though they knew me. But no, I was certain they did not, as did I. Never had one turned me down, or had been too busy to offer me sweets or a tour or an invitation to a cup of tea. Excluding the residence, the town itself was lovely. Its wasn't very large, but it was close knit and comfortable. The main road smelled of baked bread, cooling macaroons, and powdered sugar. In the town's neighborhood, houses came in various shapes, sizes and colors. Despite this, the houses managed to never be too random. There were children running across the lawns, young ladies walking along the streets giggling, elder women gossiping over biscuits and tea, and the old sat in rocking chairs, either luling themselves peacefully into sleep or watching over their grandchildren fondly. Closer to the edge of the town smelt of wet grass, it was cool and free. Here was where the woods surrounding the village would begin to spread itself out to you and here was where the birds would sing the loudest and here was where the sun would shine the warmest. And here is where it started.

About 131400 hours. After I first 'woke up', I soon realized that the sun did not move and the clocks did not tick. So, I counted the seconds to minutes to hours myself, but I'm sure I must be at least a week off. So approximately 131400 hours, 54 minutes and 34 seconds. At the east edge of the town, next to the woods that surrounded the town called a deep low voice.
" Are you having fun?"
For the first time there was too much adrenaline in me. My heart stopped and my stomach tighten as I turned around, it was exhilarating.
" If your done with childs play," He threw me a long silver whistle, " Come find me if you're ready for something, real. " With that he vanished into the woods behind him.
A wolf. A literate anthropomorphic werewolf. I hadn't counted how long I stood there, neither could I guess. The following 24 hours I found Mr. Wolf again, and this time he took me with him into the woods.

I can't say how we got out, just as I couldn't tell how I got in all those times ago. But when we were out, I had only my own heat to hug. I was alone, it was dark and cold and wet. For the first time I was scared, it was also the first time I'd seen the moon. I met sleep very soon after.
When I woke up I was near people again. But the people here were not kind, they were horribly, horribly cruel. At least to me. The people here looked as well different. Many of the woman were far too pale to be healthy. Their hair was shiny black, as were their eyes, pulled back into a tight bun, then decorated with ornaments. Their faces were sharp and they had slit like eyes, some more narrow than others. They resemble nothing of the simple round, colorful beauty of the townsfolk, this was a sharp precise kind of beauty. The men and women wore almost similar clothing, at best i could describe it as a very elaborate, and layered robe. Mens wore solid colors, while womens were printed with flower pictures. I have never had the pleasure of wearing those garments.

I did not know their language, but apparently, i was a fast learner. But only enough to understand what they say, not speak back. A foreign slave is what they called me, I still do not understand what they mean by foreign. I was sold from place to place, some for the better and some for the worst. Each time I cost more than the last, and each time the buyer was crueler than the last, at least I assumed that is how it would proceed,

My last owner was the king's bastard daughter, surprisingly the only daughter he was fond of. She was the only person I've ever loved. She was beautiful, it was a terrible shame her body was so terrible weak. For months I had traveled far and long to bring her medicine, herbs, anything that would let her live for even one minute longer. She would always scold me for taking to long, then thank me.

"I'll definitely get better with this my sill melen" she would say.
201 hours, 14 minutes and 8 seconds, is the amount of time i spent at the infamous princess's services. Soon news spread that the abashed princess was no more, and while no one but the king cared anything for the girl, who can turn from such a delicious topic. Rumors that I had poisoned the disowned princess were told as fact. The public demanded I be behead, stoned or skinned in public.

Two hours have past, and 3 left till I be slaughtered in the central palace. I feel like performer, I chuckle dryly.

"Have you no regrets, girl." the same deep low voice from so long ago said.

"Of course"

"It was your choice to leav-"

"I would do it again."

"As you wish, doll."

The sun is bright and pleasant, too pleasant. Where was I? In a town as if you'd always been here, but I have no memory of this place. The main road smells of baked bread, cooling macaroons, and powdered sugar. the town's neighborhood, houses came in various shapes, sizes, and colors. Despite this, the houses managed to not be too random. Children ran across the lawns, young ladies walked along the streets giggling, elder women gossiped over biscuits and tea, and the old sat in rocking chairs, either luling themselves peacefully into sleep or watching over their grandchildren fondly. Closer to the edge of the town smelt of wet grass, it was cool and free.

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