Chapter Three

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    December 2, 20--. Monday, 5:34PM.

            I was walking towards my school with my bag on my back. The streets were illuminated by various christmas lights with varying colors. House to house, all of them were flickering. This sight, however, used to put a frown on my face since I spend Christmas alone. It's just... thinking that everyone is so happy on a specific day while I, on the other hand, sulking (probably, more like, sleeping) in the corner of my room.

            Out of nowhere, a smile was carved on my face.

            "I'm not alone." I said to myself.

            The fact that I'm talking to myself is probably due to the bump I recieved from Eliza earlier. She slept on my room. And of course, I slept on the living room. Eliza told me that I could sleep next to her! Somehow, that gave a warm feeling on my chest. But, as a gentleman for cookies sake, I refused. And so, we slept on different places. Then, I woke up. Not because of my alarm clock, but Eliza's german suplex. My head hit the alarm clock, thus turning (breaking) it off. The reason was ; 'This monster here kept

on buzzing like crazy. Eliza couldn't find a decent weapon in your house so I decided to use you.', so she says with drool marks on her face and squinting eyes.

            Of course I didn't get mad since it was quite cute. Her that is. But a problem arose out of nowhere.

            "Do you have...." I said as I sipped my coffee. "..extra clothing?"

            "Eliza has none except what she's wearing now." She answered.

            Of course, I asked her where her home really is. But she always answered 'I won't go back to Thear!' with her arms crossed and a pout on her face. Truth be told, her cuteness were like narcotics to me. One can't simply resist her charm.

            I just thought to myself that maybe she's just a girl who ran away from home. So I continued to press questions unto her.

            "Maybe, you can ask Gretzel to get you clothes?"

            "Eliza can't." She said as she is now stirring the noodles on her cup. "Gretzel is on Thearialheim. Eliza can't create contact or even use spells." After playing with her noodles, she slurped them and continued to speam with her mouth full. "Sowmthiwng is wong with thisw prace."

            Oddly, I just smiled at her. So, I just told myself to ask some for some help at the club room later.

            I told her that I'm going to school. She was so excited when she heard the word 'school' like a young girl hearing the name Santa Claus.

            Eliza told me that she only read them on book by John Green. And in her 'dimension', schools were only for spellcasters and a certain group of witches, like her friend Gretzel. Somehow, I'd lke to read his books...

            Before I go, she asked me on how to use the T.V. So I did. And just in case, I told her that what ever happens, do not attack the T.V. with weapons. Thus, I left her after telling her on where to get her food.

            Before I know it, I reached my classroom on the fourth building (which is the newly built one) on the third floor. My room was the first room next to the stairs.

            As I entered, familiar faces greeted me (not actually). So I put my bag on my seat. There were two rows on the room. From north to south, there were five seats. East to west, there were seven seats. Our seats were alphabetically arranged. Since my last name is Thomson, I'm the one on the farthest seat next to the windows.

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