The SuperNatural (AU! TEAM CRAFTED)

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Ty's POV

It was the perfect day, sunny and warm. We had gone to the beach to relax from everyone. Personally, I needed a break from my family. My name is Ty, and I'm at the beach with Adam, Jason, Dakota, Jerome, Quentin, Jordan, Mitch, Martin, Ian, Tyler, Noah, Seth, Ryan, Taylor. We were having a little party, having our stupid fun. At the moment, everyone was playing truth or dare, but me? I was laying on my lawn chair, watching the ocean. I was hot so I figured a dip in the water wouldn't hurt, no one would notice I was away.

I stood and took off my shirt, then I heard Jerome whistle at me, "Where ya goin, Hot Stuff?" I turned around and struck a pose.

I laughed along with them, "Just going for a little swim. Problem?" They shook their heads no, and went back to their game.

I walked into the water, deep enough for me to dive right in, so I did. I knew that I was going to regret what I was about to do but I didn't even care anymore, I knew I was a freak.

I flick my wrist causing the water to go up and slash back down. Then I twisted it and causing it to wrap around me and take me above water. I laughed out when I twisted it again, and I fell and splashed into the water really hard. I gasped, swallowing a ton of water, I felt myself sinking because I was busy swallowing more water. I felt two pairs of hands grab my arms, but I thought nothing of it, and just passed out.

Quentin's POV

I dove straight into the water after seeing Ty fall back into the water, I heard him hit it extremely hard. Dakota by my side as we swam into the water, looking for Ty. I spotted him and tapped Dakota and we started swimming as fast we could to get to him. I grabbed on of his arms and Dakota his other, I saw Ty's eyes close as we reached him. We quickly swam back to the surface.

"We got him!" I heard Dakota shout out as we swam him to the shore. Adam grabbed him and dragged him up and onto the sand. I saw Ian push him out of the way and started doing CPR on Ty. We all watched, shaking and hoping that it worked. It did. Ty sat up, pushing Ian off of him, coughing, water coming out of his mouth.

We all let out a sigh, and Adam grabbed Ty into a hug, "What the Hell was that?! What were you doing?! You had us worried sick!!!" Ty opened his eyes, looking at each of our faces.

"I... I'm sorry. I just... UGH, YOU SHOULD HAVE JUST LET ME DROWN! I DID A STUPID THING AND I SHOULD HAVE PAID FOR IT!!!" Ty screamed. He started to get up to walk away but I just grabbed his shoulder and pushed him back to the ground.

"Shut the Hell up, Ty. We, Dakota and I, saved your ass once, think I won't do it again if you walk back into that water. Dammit, what the Hell is your problem? And you act like you cause that wave thing. You're not stupid, it was accident." I told him sourly. I was pissed but I tried not to show it in front of him.

Ty looked down at the ground and sighed, "No, I did cause it."

Ty's POV

I looked at the ground and sighed, Quentin's right I told myself. "No, I did cause it. I have powers to an extent. I'm able to control water and waves. I know it sounds bizzare and stupid but it's true, I can prove it." I stood, walking past my buddies, and to the water's edge. I closed my eyes, imaging that water coming up and circling my body like a snake. I felt that water do just that. I imagined that water having a face like a snake. It did.

I heard gasps at the water circled me and a legit water snake poked it's head out and looked at them, it hissed, spitting water at them. They backed up, or that's what it sounded like. I opened my eyes and turned around.

"You see, I'm able to do most anything that has to deal with water." I touched the water and it all fell back into the sand at my feet. "So, yea."

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