part Four

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'Are you effing kidding me? Martin's going to train us? This guy can barely stand on his own two feet half the time!' I screamed in my head. Mitch looked over at me, and nudged me a bit. He gave me the You-Need-To-Calm-Down look and then looked back at Martin. I sighed and ignored it. 

"Alright guys, I want to see what you guys have learned while I was away. Ty explained that you all have partners, so I would like..." He looked around for a moment then his eyes landed on Dakota. "Dakota, you and your partner come up here and show me what you have learned." Quentin and Dakota made their way up to be infront of us. I snickered and Mitch nudged me once more. What a buzz kill. 

After Dakota and Quentin were finished making fools out of themselves, Adam and his girlfriend, GinaMarie, who joined on Sunday, walked up. I don't know why he brought her but he did and she was actually a really good fighter so I didn't say anything about it. I looked back to see Ian and Jason joking around, Noah and Seth sitting in the sand and Taylor and Jordan, kissing?! I raised an eyebrow but chose not to press on the matter, if they're happy, well I'm their friend so I'm happy for 'em. 

Adam got his ass whooped by GinaMarie so Noah and Seth went up. I walked over to where Taylor and Jordan were. "Sup guys?" they both nodded and made some room so I could sit beside them. "I gotta question for you." They nodded once more. "You guys, like a thing now? I'm just wondering, I don't mind." 

Taylor cleared his throat. "Uhh, yea. We are." I laughed and patted him on the back.

"Well, congrats guys. I don't mind that y'all are dating but can you keep the lip-locking to your own time. I don't really like to see PDA. I've tried to tell Adam that but he completely ignored me." 

"Not a problem. Could you keep this to yourself for now? We don't really want anyone to know at the moment." Jordan added in. I pretend to zip my lips shut, lock it and put the key in my pocket. "Thanks Jerome, you're the bomb." 

"Well, how about we have Mitch and his partner come up and show us their skills." Martin called out. I hopped up from my seat and jogged to where Martin and Mitch were standing. "Alright guy, I know you two are really good fighters so I want you two to actually fight. I'm tried of seeing everyone just flop. Okay, go." Mitch looked at me and I looked back. 

I ran at him and he ducked, hitting me straight in the stomach. I groaned and fell on my ass but tripped him when he tried to come at me. I slammed his head into the grass and started to walk away. He came up behind me and grabbed my neck, choking me until I collapsed on the ground. 

Ty started clapping. "Yes, this is what I'm talking about! Everyone gather round." I heard everyone gather around us as Mitch let go of my neck and I gasped for breath. "This what I was talking about awhile ago. You need to let go of your emotions towards people." I saw them nod as I was still gasping for breath. 

"Gu-uys" I coughed. "Could someone he-help me he-here. I-I ca-ca-can't b-b-breath." I felt Mitch hand me a bottle of water and I drunk some of it. I coughed again. "Thanks. You're a dick, you know that." He laughed and patted my back. 

"Well, you guys are done for today. Ryan and Tyler will go then Ian and Jason. Taylor and Jordan will go last, alright?" I nodded. Mitch helped me up and I punched him in the shoulder before walking over the the waters' edge. I put my feet in the nice cool water and leaned back, putting my hands behind my head. I closed my eyes and fell asleep. 

Mitch's POV

Jerome fell asleep by the water and so badly I wanted to just kick him. I turned around to watch  Ryan and Tyler. This was going to be hilarious. Ryan took the sterotypical fighting stance with his hands in fist. Tyler rolled his eyes and charged at him. Ryan kicked him in the chest causing Tyler to gasp for breath but still punched Ryan in the jaw. Ryan ignored it and fell to his ass. 

"Ryan, you need to focus. Okay, Jason, Ian? You're up!" Martin said with a fake smile on. God, he made me sick. I never really like Martin, the only one who really put up with him was Taylor but I'm pretty sure Jordan replaced him. Jordan and Taylor sat by the trees, talking. Adam and GinaMarie was talking to Noah and Seth. Everyone seemed to be having fun but I knew that some thing was up, I just didn't know what yet. Martin just watched with a smirk on his face as Ian and Jason beat the Hell out of each other. "Alright, enough of you two. Taylor, Jordan. You two are up!" 

Jordan just rolled his eyes but got up. "Martin, I don't think it's a good idea for them to train. Jordan has been away for a while and hasn't learned what we have the past couple days." Ty interjected. 

Martin glared at him. "I don't care. It's my job to train them. Jordan, you will everything that you missed tomorrow, I'm sure you'll be able to handle it." Jordan nodded and Taylor just looked really confused. Martin looked at everyone, his eyes seemed to be a little glazed over from a distance. He gave me a little half smirk then continued looking at everyone. "I'll be back tomorrow, but we'll actually start training. Today was just for me to see what you know. I'll see you all tomorrow." He then walked back into the forest and disappeared from veiw. 

"Everyone, gather round." Ty walked to the edge of the water. Everyone did, and I nudged Jerome awake. He woke with a start but listened to what Ty had to say. "Was it just me or did Martin seem a little different today?" 

I nodded. "His eyes seemed... I don't know. They looked glazed over somewhat. I might have been seeing things though." I looked down to the sand. 

"I noticed that too but I didn't want to say anything. He seemed more angry than he normally is. He's normally a Happy-go-lucky person now he just is mean." Taylor added in. "I should know, I used to hang out with him all the time. Maybe I should go talk to him, find out what's on his mind." I swear I saw Jordan started to panic. 

"Hell no, you aren't going there alone. What if he like, tries to kill you?" Jerome asked stupidly. I chuckled uner my breath.

"I'm pretty sure I can handle myself." Taylor smirked and started to walk to the trees. Jordan grabbed his hand. 

"Martin... There's something wrong with him. We don't want you hurt." he rolled his eyes and smiled again. 

Taylor's POV

"Jordan, I've been best friends with him for years, he won't do anything to me." he sighed and I pushed him a bit. "I'll be back." I turn and ran into the forest before anyone could stop me. I ran for a while before I eventually found him. "There you are!" he turned around and raised his eyebrows. 

"What are you doing here?" I sighed. 

"Coming to talk to you. Is something bothering you? You seem... Different." he shook his head. 

"Nope. I'm fine." he flashed his cocky grin. "I was about to head home, wanna join? I have something I want to show you." I nod and we start walking again in a comfortable silence. "So, are you still working on that parkour map we were making on Minecraft?" I nod and he smiles. We reach his house in the middle of the woods and we walk in. His home was nice, I missed it. I walk over and touch the jacket I left here a long time ago. 

"This is old." he laughed and nodded. 

"Sure is." he sighed and sat down. "So, is everyone that pissed off at me?" I glanced over at him. 

"No, why do you ask?" he got up nd wrapped his arms around my waist. 

"I'm not stupid." he gently nibbled on my ear. "Now, we have unfinished buisness to take care of." I giggled and he picked me up. 

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