Part Two

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Ty's POV

It's been  a week since the day at the beach. We had gotten a call from Taylor and Martin saying they finished everyone's outfits. I was with Sky and Captian driving over to Taylor's house. I heard Captian and Sky talking about what their outfits. Sky kept looking over at Captian when he should have been looking at the road, what a moron.

"I hope mine is Gold, what about you?" Adam asked, laughing at whatever Captian said before. I just stared out the window, trying to ignore them. It wasn't working. 

'We're going to die, you know that right?' I mentally forced myself to send that to Martin. For some reason I heard the Bulgarian accent that he liked to use in my head. 

'Yes, I know but what do you expect? I mean, as long as the other three don't show up, we're fine.'

'That's stupid. There's no freaking way that they'll know where we are. Unless someone got ahold of them.' I didn't get a responce, which I'm glad for. 

"Yo, Ty, what color do you want your outfit?" Captian asked, looking back to check on me. 

I had to think about it, "Kinda late to chose a color but if I had to chose, probably black, white and a deep purple. Sounds kinda cool." Sky raised an eyebrow but chuckled anyway. 

I must have dozed off because before I knew it, I felt Captian shaking, "Dude, wake up, we're here." my eyes fluttered opened and I yawned. I slowly sat up and got out of the car. I didn't get a lot of sleep last night so I was really tired. I was just really stressed. I looked around and didn't see anyone so I assumed that they already went inside. I heard people walk up the stairs. 

"These outfits are amazing!" I heard Jerome practically shout. I rolled my eyes. 'Umm, Martin, where the Hell are you guys? I may or may not be lost inside this house.' I sent to Martin, kinda chuckling to myself. 

'Upstairs, second door on the right.' He sent back to me. I slowly walked up the stairs, I tripped when I felt something land on my shoulder. I looked over to see a cute little spider on my shoulder. I held my hand out and watched it crawl into my hand. I stood and walked into the room. 

"Hey guys, look what I found!" holding out the spider, making Mitch scream and jump back.

"KILL IT WITH FIRE!" he shouted, jumping behind Jerome, his best friend. I laughed, walking over to the window, opening it and letting him crawl out. 

"Relax, it was a spider." Taylor raised an eyebrow but said nothing. 

"Do you wanna see what your outfit looks like?" Martin asked, pointing to the closet. I nodded, somehow keeping a straight face. He opened the closet door handing everyone their outfits. Sky's was yellow and had a purple and black cross on his chest. Captian's was red and black with a cool pair of shades. Mitch's was pure white, and Jerome's was black. Quentin's was Orange, yellow and blue. Everyone's seemed to be pretty normal yet very exotic at the sme time. Then Martin gave me mine. I looked at everyone getting dressed in the room. I took my shirt off and looked at the shirt. 

I looked at my reflection in the mirror. It was pretty awesome if I do say so myself. It was a white fabric and black pants. I had dark purple and black shoes and a green headset that allows me to talk to them. We all had them but mine is the only one that actually shows.

I clicked the little button on the side, hearing static, "Hey guys, can you hear me?" I heard a bit more static then a voice.

"Yup, Fighter here." then another voice. Sky.

"Captian's all set." Jordan.

"The Fish and the Frog are all geared up." What? That must have been Quentin and Dakota. 

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