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"Yes." I breathe out. 

Simon's eyes widen at my response.

"Yes." I say again.

"Yes?" He makes sure.

"Yes." I nod and he laughs, lunging forward and grabbing my body.

He lifts me up and swings me around, my legs wrap around his waist and my arms are slung over his shoulders. I rest my forehead on his as his hands grip me.

"Your hands are moving a bit south there, aren't they?" I smirk, his hands moving from my back and resting on my bum.

"I just can't help it." He smirks back.

I close my eyes and breathe out, the feeling suddenly hitting me.

"You said yes." He says excitedly.

"I said yes." I open my eyes, laughing.

"I cannot believe you said yes." He grins, his hands still firmly clutching me.

"Did you think I was gonna say no?" I ask, smiling.

"I don't know, but you said yes-you're gonna be my wife, this is fucking crazy." He plants a kiss on my lips, making me smile.

"We aren't just gonna do it straight away, are we?" I ask, biting my lip.

"Violet, I couldn't care if you married me when I'm seventy or tomorrow, as long as you always say yes." His eyes never leave mine.

"I'll always say yes." I confirm, this time it's my turn to place a kiss on his lips.

The ring fits my engagement finger perfectly, it fills the void left from Adam's. It looks nothing like the one he gave me, his was big and flashy and not at all me. My ring is just the right size and is decorated with a small flower in the centre, a diamond in the middle. The band itself is silver, whereas the flower is a rose gold colour. I notice him look at it as we drive to get something to eat, the smile never leaving his face.

"You said yes." He grins.

I laugh, "I know, it's been two hours since, you ever gonna get over it?" 

He shakes his head, still grinning, "this is the best day of my life."

"You're such a drama queen." I chuckle.

"Hey, is this not the best day of your life?" He smiles, looking at me.

"The best." I mumble, smiling at him.

Our eyes lock and for a split second, the radio dies down and the only sound is that of the blaring car horn-of the car coming at us at sixty miles an hour. They slam in to the side of us, Simon's eyes close and I watch as his body is jilted forward, towards mine. My seat-belt knocks the wind out of me and crushes my ribs as the car flips over. I feel a crunch in my leg and scream as my head smashes off of the window, bits of glass sticking in to my face. 

Everything goes silent. 

"Violet?" A voice mumbles.

I go to reply, but a trickle of blood seeping out of my lips halts me.

"Violet." He screams, his voice desperate for a response.

I slowly move my hand, dragging it from my lap and blindly looking for him. I find his leg and he must feel my hand, since he grabs it. His hand is shaking and I clutch on to it for dear life as my head begins to hurt and the sounds of screams and cars screeching to a halt suddenly disappear. 


I sit next to her. The steady rhythm of her heart monitor the only noise. Her chest rises and falls every four or so seconds, I keep count. I called the boys, they said they were on their way. I look to my arm, a bandage covering a cut. I got away easy. Small cuts and scratches litter her pale face, her lips a ghostly colour and the blood vessels in her eyes being visible; the purple colour is sickly-looking against her white eyelids. Her arms are uncomfortably straight, laying stiffly on the white sheet. Her neck is on show and red marks line it, ruining the block colour of white which used to be there. I look to her fingers and see the ring still sitting there, slightly chipped, but still gleaming in the light. I place my hand on hers, just like she did for me. 

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