Chapter 32

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Chapter 32


Third Person AKA Karla's Crazy Mind...

Turns out that being drugged to sleep, having your stomach be cut open, and having babies being taken out of you can make you very tired.

I mean, imagine having to see blood and everything. How do doctors do it? How do they clean it up? Does the blood spill on the floor? I wonder what giving b- ok you know what, let's go back to the story's setting,

Niall was laying on the hospital bed, sleeping and dreaming of meeting Peter Pan and flying to Neverland.After seeing his babies for the very first time, he felt fucking tired. He was still getting use to his now flat and 'empty' stomach, after having a huge stomach that makes you look like a hippo for 7 1/2 months, having a flat stomach can take a lot to get use to.

As for the amazingly hot 'Bradford Bad Boi,' he was having a moment. Just absolutely proud that his two babies were born healthy and that his boyfriend, who I and many other people are jealous of, is able to carry his children!

As I said just a few chapters ago, if you're not happy that your friend that's a male is pregnant then you're a homophobic asshole who should stop judging people with your judgmental mind. I mean, he's a male and pregnant!! It's a fucking miracle, appreciate it!!! Sorry, losing focus.

"Hi Nathan, I'm your Dad." Zayn whispered to the brown heading new born who was looking around the room with wide blue eyes. He was older than his twin sister by 30 minutes. He had Zayn's tan skin, Niall's hair and eyes.

As for Crystal, she was peacefully sleepy in a crib. A light pink blanket wrapped around her tiny body. She looked like her brother, tan skin, brown hair, because people, Niall's not a natural blonde, it's dyed!! And she also had Niall's eyes, but a bit lighter.

Nathan was wrapped in a blue blanket in the arms of his father, as I mentioned before, slowly falling asleep. Eyes half closed and mine as well. I'm writing this while being half asleep, mistakes are blamed on me.

Zayn smiled, he still couldn't believe that his son was right here in his arms. After 8 1/2 months, his baby was in his arms. He only wished that he could share this moment with his boyfriend. As his son fell into a deep sleep he placed him in the crib next to his sister.


"I hate you so much!!!" Harry groaned,"Why won't you make me foooood? I want foooooood!!!"

You see, Harry was pregnant. He loved that he could carry children but hated the things he had to go through.

Louis sighed and stood up from the bed. It was 4 in the morning and his boyfriend wanted food. They got back from the hospital 2 hours ago and they came back and hit the hay. Louis was exhausted but he would do anything for his Harry and his baby.

"Lou!!" Harry whined,"I want some Muffins! Please?"

Louis gave Harry a tired smile and nodded,"Anything for you baby." He kissed Harry's forehead and headed out.

The road was silent and well, the only thing that gave it light was the street light. It didn't help that it seemed to be foggy. It seemed like a dangerous time to be out but Louis sucked it up and drives to the nearest 7-Eleven.

Once he got there, he went into the store and he heard as the bell chimed as he stepped in. What did Harry want again? Was it a brownie or a Muffin? Muffin right. He grabbed a blueberry muffin but also made himself coffee.

He was sure he wasn't going to go to sleep anymore so he got a brownie and coffee for himself. He ended up getting Harry more than he asked for. Two muffins, Coffee, two Twinkies and a brownie. Hey, his boyfriend was pregnant. If he wants to spoil him then let him.


Zayn re-entered Niall's hospital room with a smile still planted in his beautiful, hot face. Sorry for that comment but I had to. Anyway, he sat down on the bitch of a chair next to Niall's bed and sighed happily as he watched his boyfriend sleep.

His life truly was perfect. He was happy and now that he looked back to the past, he thought of all the mistakes he did and he smiled. He remember saying that the twins were mistakes and he takes it all back. They weren't a mistakes and if they were, they were the most amazing mistakes.

Suddenly, Niall squirmed and opened his eyes and saw the golden eyes he loved so much,"Hey." He whisper with a tired smile.

Zayn smiled,"Hello, Sleeping Beauty." He pecked Niall's lips and smiled,"Still tired?" Zayn asked as he heard Niall sigh.

"Yeah." Niall said,"It been a lo-" He cut himself by gasping in pain,"Z-Zayn!" He cried. He was getting contractions! He didn't feel them long the first time but he was numbed and this hurt. He didn't understand why,"Zayn! Get the doctor!"

Zayn's eyes widened,"Y-yes!" He quickly stood up and ran out,"Doctor!! I need a doctor!!" And then it was a blur, doctors and nurses came and Zayn followed.

"He's having another!" He heard,"I see a head!"

Niall's yells of pain were also heard in the room,"Z-Zayn!!" He sobbed,"I need you by my side!!"

And Zayn made his way to his lovers' side not truly understanding what was happening,"Ni...babe...what's happening?!" He panicked.


Zayn chuckled, he knew that if Niall ever had to push that he was going to be mad because of the pain.

"Ok, Niall, push on three. 1...2...3!"The doctor instructed.

Niall pushed with an ear splitting yell of curse words,"ARGGHH! FOR FUCKS SAKE! TAKE THIS DEVIL CHILD OUT OF ME!! FUCK YOU, ZAYN! BURN IN HELL! ARRRGGHHH!!"

Now I'm not an expert so I don't know where the baby would come out of if the one giving birth was a male so...let's just pretend Niall magically grew a vagina! Haha. Jk... let's pretend it's coming out of his butt hole because that's more logical.

So after 3 hours of Niall's curse words towards Zayn and his 'Devil child,' they found themselves with another baby boy.

Their family was completed.

Nathan ({Middle Name Not Yet Picked}) Horan-Malik

2:18 am on December 15, 2013

Crystal ({Middle Name Not Yet Picked }) Horan-Malik

2:48 am on December 15, 2013

Landon ({Middle Name Not Yet Picked}) Horan-Malik

7:30 am on December 15, 2013

And if you have a problem with any of the stuff happening in their lives (AKA the story) then feel free to stop reading. I'm not forcing you to read. Some of you have made rude comments and it's not something anyone would like. Now please, if you don't like it then don't leave your comments, Ziallsex and I don't need them thank you very much.


Written By Justin_Bieber_Horan

My A/N is the last paragraph so...haha.



Larry Account: Larryisreal150

Wattpad Account: Justin_Bieber_Horan


Belieber/Directioner Account: @Beliebe50321817

Wattpad Account: @justin_bieber_horan

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