| Isabella |

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"Come on, Isabelle! You're going to be late for the first day of middle school!"

I hear her feet running down the stairs as I fix her lunch. She darts outside our house, not bothering to close the door, but grabbing her bag. I start running after her, with her lunch in my hand, as she stops in front of her bus.


I throw her her lunch which she catches perfectly, smiling. She's growing up so fast.

"Thanks mom!"

She waves goodbye, as the bus drives off, I wave back. Tears starting to form. I laugh, shaking my head, I close my house door. Looking around my house, I see a photo that catches my eye. Picking it up from the back of my shelf, my heart swells.

It was a picture of Shawn holding Isabella for the first time, I was out of the ICU and back home. He was a mess, tired, but joyful.

"5 years ago."

I mutter in disbelief. Where has the time gone? I set it back down on my shelf, he came to see her every so often. I didn't meet him face to face since 3 years ago, when he tweeted that famous tweet of his.

We aren't together anymore, but I love her more than anything. She's amazing. Thanks for always being there for me. I wish you the best. @_______

That's when people truly knew we divorced, shocked the media, and his fans. Obviously, I got a lot of hate, and almost got hurt because of it. Shawn found out about how terrible his fans were treating me and made a video explaining everything which made the public calm down. That was the beginning of last year when it all sizzled down, now I work at an office. My boss made me organize his schedule, and let him know how his investments are doing.

It was easy, but high paying so a win-win. Had to thank Beau for the job recommendation. It was awkward working for Gildea, since the drama, but now he has a son of his own. And a beautiful wife. I start to get ready for work, throwing on a pair of slacks, and a navy blue pencil skirt. With a white blouse, and nude pumps, grabbing my paperwork.

I was out the door.


I hear him call from his office, I walk quickly.

"Yes, Mr. Jones?"

He motions me to come inside, I take a seat.

"I'm assigning you to work with this entrepreneur, you must know that he's a very important client."

He looks at me with a deadly stare, I nod.

"You mustn't act any different, or treat him differently because of his label. Remember to talk to him about what he's willing to loan us, and if he'll talk to us in the future."

I nod again, who could this person possibly be?

"Will that be be all, sir?"

He shakes his head, I stand up, leaving his room.

"Oh, and Edwina,"

I turn my head, stopping.

"A heads up, If you don't do well on this assignment, you will be reprimanded."

I gulp, walking away as he gets back to work. He was nice at times, but overall he was serious about the work I get done. He never lets anyone look at his investments besides me since Beau was his brother. And since Beau was so generous to recommend me, Ryan Jones, my boss, thought highly. I sat back at my desk, seeing that Mr. Jones emailed me the details.

To : Edwina Rodriguez
Subject : Client


You'll be meeting the client tomorrow at 12pm, prepare a few note sheets. You'll need to get to know him, since you'll be working with him for 2 weeks.

Ryan Jones CEO of R.C. Jones Enterprise

I click out of the email, and write on my schedule. 12pm client meeting. My shift was close to being over, so I packed up. I waved goodbye to my boss, as he waved back, I open the buildings door. After reaching the bottom floor. The cool air hits me, a refreshment of fall.

"Isabella, I'm home!"

I close the door, taking my heels off, and walking to my kitchen. I drop my paperwork, hearing her footsteps behind me. She takes a seat next to our counter.

"How was the first day of school?"

She smiles, a light blush on her cheeks. I raise my eyebrows.

"Don't tell me you already have a boy in mind,"

She blushes even more, I laugh. Shawn would not be thrilled to hear that.

"Honey, it's the first day! How about academics?"

I decide to change the subject.

"My teachers are nice, they all gave us a boring introduction as usual. But I like the school, and I didn't get lost!"

I smile as she gushes about the new school.

"That's good. What do you want for dinner?"

"Parmesan Chicken sounds great right about now."

She balances her chin on the palm of her hand, her long brown hair cascading over her shoulders. I nod, getting my pans out. I had an excited feeling for tomorrow's meeting, as if something were to change later on because of it. I shrug off the feeling, getting back to cooking.

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