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Jaejoong's POV

I was contemplating whether to call Soojung or not. I almost hit the call button several times only to give up halfway and that went on for hours.

I just sat on the couch staring at her name on my phone.

"You need to make some effort. You gotta have courage. How can you get her if you don't even try? How can you not even give her a single call?" I told myself feeling how pathetic I was.

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath and finally decided to call her.

I didn't know why but I was quite nervous as I waited for her to pick up my call. I almost hung up when she finally answered.

"Hello?" Her voice came through the phone.

"Soojung, it's me." I told her hoping she'd recognize my voice at least.

"Yeah...I know. What's wrong?" She asked in an almost whisper voice.

Just from the way she was talking, I knew what was going on.

"You're with him, aren't you?" I asked her disappointed although she won't even recognize the disappoinment coming from my voice.

"Yeah...listen...we'll talk later ok Luna?" She said and hung up.

I laughed out bitterly at the absurdness. Luna? I guess she really likes him to even worry about talking to some other guy in front of him.

I decided to just go out to drink instead. I needed to get rid of this sadness inside of me.

Soojung's POV

I was in a restaurant with Changmin oppa when Jaejoong suddenly called. I thought of ignoring it but thinking that it might make Changmin oppa suspicious, I picked up the call.

"Who was that?" Changmin oppa asked when I hung up the call.

"'s my friend...Luna..." I told him stuttering a bit and was hoping he wouldn't find out. He never really liked Jaejoong so if he found out it wouldn't be so good.

"Now that you say it...I haven't met any of your friends...I guess Amber's the only one I know...and I haven't seen her since she left LA." He said as he continued eating.

"Oh...should I call them over now? But Amber's in LA now...maybe I can call Luna...sulli and..." I was blurting out whatever because of the nervousness of lying to him. I was already holding my phone ready to call them.

"Calm down." Changmin said with a smile as he put his hand on mine.

That kinda woke me up in senses and realised I was overeacting.

"I can meet then anytime...I don't care...but not today..." He said with a smile I couldn't read. "Cause today is a special day."

"What do you mean?" I asked him cluelessly.

"You'll find out soon enough..."

We finished eating and got in his car. I put on the seat belt and waited for him to drive but he didn't.

"Aren't you...driving?" I asked him confused.

"Look at me." He said as he turned towards me.

Looking into each other's eyes was making my heart flutter and I was blushing. I wanted to control myself from showing my feelings too much but what could I do? I was looking into the eyes of the man I loved.

"Krystal Jung...Can you be my girlfriend?" He asked me straight away holding out a necklace in his hand.

"What?" I said even though I clearly heard what he said. I just couldn't believe he was actually asking me out now after all these years.

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