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Krystal's POV

My manager came early in the morning to pick me up.

"Here...these are your schedules for today." He said as he handed me a sheet of paper as soon as I got in the car.

" many are these?" I asked in disbelief at how much schedule he got me into.

"You wanted work. I give you work." He said and start the car.

"That doesn't mean you have to go all out..." I murmurred to myself.

"What did you say?" He asked from the front seat.

"Nothing..." I lied. "So where do we begin?"

"First we're going for the photoshoot."

"Photoshoot? You know i don't like doing those!" I complained.

"You need to if you're making a comeback after a month. You need exposure and let people know you're about to comeback...and..." His lecture went on and on.

"Ok I got it." I told him and put in my earphones to shut him up.

We reached the studio where we're gonna have the photoshoot in about an hour.

I went inside and everyone was there ready. I greeted everyone as I went into the make up room.

As soon as I sat down, the make up artists and the hairstylists started doing their job while I had a hard time trying to keep myself awake.

After about 4 hours of constantly changing and continuing the photoshoot and giving a small interview, I was done with my first schedule.

"What's next?" I asked my manager as I ate my lunch in the car.

"You're gonna perform in a charity event." He just announced suddenly.

"What? I'm supposed to perform? Why didn't you let me know beforehand? I didn't even practice anything." I started getting a bit nervous since i haven't been playing for so long.

"You'll do fine. I'll let you practice once and you'll be as good as ever." He said so calmly.

"So much confidence huh?" I said sarcastically.

I couldn't even finish my lunch anymore. I took out my ipod and search for a piece which i can perform. I listened to it and imagined myself playing while closing my eyes.

When we finally reached the place, there were so many kids running around. I found out it's a charity event for some orphanage. I got into a room where i could practice and after practicing once, I was confident again. Well, my manager was right.

I got up on the stage to perform and the kids were clapping their hands and enjoying the music. I loved performing here than in some rich people events where they don't really care about music.

When I got down from the stage, I took a group picture with the kids and was about to leave when someone called me.

"Soojung?" I turned around to see Jaejoong standing behind me.

"Oh hi! I didn't know you were here." I told him surprised to see him.

"Well...I organised this event so..."

"Oh...i didn't know but it's such a good idea..." I told him.

"Yes but I didn't know you were performing." He said.

"I didn't know either. My manager somehow got me in."

"Soojung! We're late." My manager shouted.

"I guess you really got busy now..." Jaejoong said with a little laugh.

"Yes...I'm about to lose my mind. I should go now....see ya later." I told him as I ran towards the car.

"How many more?" I asked my manager.

He was dictating the schedule when my phone rang. It was Changmin oppa.

"Yeah?" I answered the call.

"Let's meet."

"I'm busy now." I told him.

"Well...what's there to keep you busy anyway?" He said and it kinda hit my nerve.

" are such a busy body so you won't proabably know your girlfriend is starting her work yeah i can be busy too..." I sort of shouted and hung up the call.

He kept on calling again and texted but i didn't check cause my head was already having a hard time from the schedule.

"Sorry, Soojung. I guess it's too much for a day huh?" My manager said feeling bad.

"No, I'm fine. I'd rather work."

"Boy problem?"

"Sort of...but don't ask more." I cut him off before he could ask more.

"Whatever you say..."

Jaejoong's POV

"I saw Soojung. I didn't know she was performing." I told Jessica.

We organised the event together and after finishing up everything we went to eat with all the staffs.

"I invited her. But of course she doesn't know." She said as she took a sip of the beer.

"Why keep a secret?" I asked her unable to understand.

"It's just fun like that." She said.

I looked at her unable to understand her "fun".

"Stop looking like I'm some weird person. Just drink up." She said as she clinked her glass against mine.

"So since you're talking to her again...what are you planning?" Sje asked.

"I don't know yet."

"I say go for it. Changmin's being too busy to give her time and i think that's starting to annoy her."

"No one's too busy. It's all about priority." I spoke my mind out.

"Yes and so this is your chance to take her from him."

"I don't think that's a very good idea." I told her.

"Then what is? Living while regretting your whole life that you didn't even try anything for your love?" She said kinda pissed off.

"Woah calm down." I told her.

"Sorry...I just think you're better for her and so I don't like to see you not even trying." She said as she looked down.

"'s good to know at least you think like that but I don't think i stand a chance. She really loves him." I told her sadly.

"Then what are you gonna do? You're pretty much gonna run into each probably can't avoid her everytime." She pointed out what was worrying me too all these time.

"I know...I can't even handle seeing her for a second. My heart just breaks....i don't know what to do..." I told her as I took a sip of the beer and let out a sigh.

"Hang in there...I'm sure everything will work out..." She assured me as she put her hand on my shoulder.

"I hope so..." I told her trying hard to smile when I knew it wasn't gonna work out.

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