Regular Day Chapter 1

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In Dream. Camila's POV

I was in a pitch black room I couldn't see anything so I yell "Dinah...girls are you there?" I said.

Just then lights above me turned on. Once all the lights turned on there was girl a few feet in front of me I didn't know who it was because their back was facing me. "Hello?" I ask hoping the person would turn around.

It worked and the person turned out to be....Lauren? She came close to me and I started to blush because of the closeness. When her face was a few inches away from mine she leans in so her mouth was near my ear and whisper "camz, I know your secret and I like you too"

After she said that she pulls her head back and looks at my lips and I look at hers and both of us leans in then....

Riiiiiiinnnnnnnnggggggg  Riiiiiiiiiiinnnnnnnngggggggg

There goes my stupid alarm ruining yet another dream I thought to myself while I got out out of bed and get ready for the underworld when I mean that I mean school.

But there is two reasons that I like school. One: I get to see my best friends, Dinah,Normani,Ally,and Lauren. Two: I get to see Lauren. I blushed at the thought. You see I have a crush on Lauren when we first met because who wouldn't right?

I did my morning stuff that I normally do. When I was done I decided that I would wear a white tank top and ripped skinny jeans. I got my bag and was to leave when my phone rang.

I looked at to see who it was and it was my crew Chief: kai

K for Kai. C for Camila

(On the phone)

C : Hello

K : Hey kid, how are you?

C : Hey kai I'm good you?

K : I'm good also I called because today is a race day its at the track you always race on.

C : okay what time do I have to be there?

K : 10:00 pm

C : got it. Bye kai

K :Bye Camila

End of call

Oh!! I almost forgot I'm a racer for NASCAR and I have won a lot championships. Dinah and Normani and my family knew that.
And I didn't tell Ally and Lauren because if I told Ally she tell Lauren. Also she might ask what else I'm not telling her.

But the thing is I don't take my helmet off when I win or in victory lane. So nobody knows its me. Most of my millions of fans call me lighting because of how fast I am.

Enough with that stuff I need to get to the underwo- I mean school. So I ran out of my house and jumped in my car (picture above) and sped off.

Skip the drive

I parked my car and surprised that I have 40 more minutes. I wish I was sleeping longer. So I got out and saw my best friends
by our usual spot. I walked over to them and greeted all of them."Hey guys"I said they all turned to me and smiled. "Hey Camila" they said at the same time. 20 minutes later Lauren and Ally decided to class early we our said goodbyes and they left.

While they were walking I couldn't stop starring at Lauren's ass. Its just so.....amazing. Dinah must have notice my starring so she slapped the back of my head. "Ow" I said "that's what you get for not answer my question" Dinah said " which was?" "do you have a race today ?" she whispered. I nodded both her and Mani always comes to my races as vips. They can see me without my helmet and my team can to.

But it had to be a private place so nobody can see who I am. "Where is it?" Mani asked "the track I always race on" "when is it?" "10:00 pm" They both nod and the bell rang. Mani went to her class then me and Dinah went to ours since we have the same classes for the day.

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